Drunken haze

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"Thank you for walking me home"

"It's not an issue. can we exchange numbers? my house is 4 blocks down if you ever need anything." Kita offered his phone to me.

"Yeah that sounds good" I said as I took his phone and placed my number in it.

"Goodnight" he said as he walked away with a small warming smile.

"You're amazing thanks goodnight !"

I watched him walk away for a few minutes then quickly walked inside my home.

"Ew I need a shower. They left their sweat on me" I talked to myself while grabbing a pair of clothes from my room and turning the shower on. Before I could undress myself I heard a knock at the door.

Must be Kita, I'm sure he likes me or something of the sort I thought as I learned over to open the door.

"Hey what's up kit-"

"Move" it was Suna. He shoved me over and walked inside.

"Dude you know it's a school day go home"

"I don't care" he said with his face scrunched up.

"What do you wantttt" I groaned "I'm going to shower so make like an egg and scram"

"You can shower, I'll watch" he said with a smile.

"Pervert like I would do that" I said walking over to the bathroom to turn off the running water.

"Did you enjoy the game" he said from the living room.

"Yeah it was interesting. I like your little friends" I yelled loud enough so he can hear me from the bathroom.

"I think kita sorta likes you" Suna said obviously ticked off.

I walked past him "well that's not really your problem now is it?" I said bumping his shoulder with mine. I ploped myself on the couch and turned on the tv. "He's kinda cute anyways"

"You better not".  "Better not what?" I said sarcastically

"Don't mess with my team members" he warned

"Or..Or what?" I snapped

"I swear to god y/n don't."

"You are Such a drag. I can mess with whoever I want. now go away and stop being such a buzzkill"

"If I find out they laid a hand on your body I'm coming straight for you" he yelled as he walked out and slammed the door.

"Huh Interesting" I said as I looked at the door.


Thursday afternoon in 6th period.

"L/n  y/n come to the main office.   L/n. Y/n to the main office"

Huh? for what? I thought as I was sitting at my desk.

"You heard the announcement y/n go to the main office take your things" the teacher announced loud enough so the whole class can hear.

Eyes watched as I grabbed my bag and walked out the classroom.

As I walked to the main office the principal gave me an ugly look. She looked like the slug creature from monsters inc.

"Yes" I said trying not to laugh in her face.

"Come take a seat we need to discuss a few matters"

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