The gathering

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The week went by pretty fast besides the raging rumors about me going around.

I didn't tend to care much but it was sort of annoying.

It was Saturday afternoon and I was finishing up my home work.

"Whatever I'm just going to turn it in like this" I mumbled to myself as I pressed submit.

*ring ring ring*

My phone went off as my eyes were glued to the computer. It was akaashi, I grabbed my phone and answered while I was still typing on the computer keyboard


"Y/n Bokuto mentioned the bbq to you right? Right anyways we need you to come over and help set up with us, it's a mess and bokuto thinks it looks fine" akaashi spoke

In the background I heard Bokuto yelling "IT DOES LOOK FINE I TRIED MY BESTEST"

"It's a MESS you have no sense of organization" akaashi said to Bokuto

"I'll start walking over there in a second let me get ready" I sighed

"I'll take Bokutos car to go get you, I need SOME SPACE" akaashi spoke obviously irritated.

"Yeah ok" I laughed at his pain

I rushed into my room got myself ready quickly and made sure all my assignments were turned in.

*ring ring*

What is it now? I already said ok

"Hello?! Whatttt?!" I answered

"Y/n that's no way to speak to your mother especially after we haven't spoke in months"

Oh shit

"Yeah Sorry, what is it?" I asked in a mild, annoyed tone

" I got a call that you got suspended last week and your grades are slipping" she rubbed it in my face

"I'm trying" I sighed.

Nothings ever enough, of course she'd push this on me. But it seems like she doesn't know about Suna or the fight, that's a relief

"Since you can't take care of yourself I'm sending your sister to go observe what's going wrong. If she finds out your slacking in your studies, you are to move back immediately. She WILL be coming over tomorrow or sooner. Don't play with me I'll send you to school in America" she threatened

I can't go back to that hell hole

"Yeah send her like if she isn't worse than I am, just because she's older." I rolled my eyes

"She's less mature but she is responsible for you as well. I can't go I'm working so hard to provide for our family and send you money to stay in Japan"

"You're the one who decided to have kids. But of course you'd have the oldest raise your child for you and blame your parental absence on your work" I scolded

" she is in NO WAY raising you. And I thought we went over this already my work requires a large amount of my time" she excused

"K tell her to call me when she's flying over" I said right before I hung up.

I pushed the thought of my sister coming over at the back of my mind.

I heard a honk from outside, it was akaashi.

Snatching a small backpack I  shoved cans of monster and alcohol bottles into it. If I'm going to have to deal with a bunch of random volleyball players I CANNOT be sober.

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