The Party prt2

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This chapter contains: Drugs

As atsumu and I hung out on the stairs..time seemed to slow. Everything was going in slow motion. It was almost peaceful.

"Wanna go out front?" Suna appeared in front of me out of no where. Atsumu glared at him with an irritated look smeared all over his face.

"I could use some space" I jumped up and followed him outside..leaving Atsumu on the stairs alone.


Being outside felt way less chaotic and uncomfortable but even though we were away from the party there was a lingering feeling of awkwardness between us.

We stood up outside the front of the Miya's house near the door entrance. The sound of muffled music being contained by the house.

I look over to Suna and notice his hand reaching deep into his Jean pockets. At first i couldn't make out what it was. Then I got a good look.

It was a pipe and a medium sized bag filled with weed. He placed some of the herbs in the pipe opening and held it to his mouth.

As he sparked the lighter and smirked he inhaled deeply.

Releasing the smoke down towards the ground he looked over to me, licked his lips and tilted his head.

"You want a hit?" Suna offered.

"No thanks I'm spinning as we speak" I smiled

It got quiet as we looked straight at our feet. "Why do you eat alone?" He asked calmly.

"I moved here to get good grades, not make friends"

"Doesn't that get lonely?" He said as he looked at me with a scrunched up expression. "I guess i like being alone, I mean I already live alone." I giggled before realized what I said.

I could basically see the shocked look he contained right before he hid it behind his normal bland face.

"Why" he said smug.

"Why what?" I was confused as to what he was asking and why he even cared.

"Why do you live alone"

"None of your business" I snapped back into reality.
"Fair enough" he said as he inhaled the smoke from his pipe once again.

"My mom let me move here to gain a better education. She set me up with an apartment and sends me money so I could focus on school"  I blankly spat.

The only words he formed was a simple "Oh" then immediately lost interest.

"That's Cool, it must be better than living with parents that are always excusing their work for not spending time at home"  he said without warning as he looked up at the sky.

How do I even reply to that? I don't want to make it more awkward that it already is.

I stood in silence instead of replying.

"You sure you don't want a hit?" He said as he leaned over showing his black and red glass pipe to me.

It's been hell.

"Sure" I said as I grabbed the pipe gently out his hand. I placed it to my lips and Suna applied the lighter. As I inhaled the smoke slowly I realized he's not that bad to be around

I exhaled and coughed slightly. "Baby lungs" Suna said while rubbing the top of my head.

"Shut up" I said smacking his hand away.

"Don't be so mean" he pouted even through his bored look. How is that even possible to show such a complex amount of emotions, all while having a bored look?

He grabbed my hand with both of his large hands and said "you wouldn't want to make me feel bad..would you?"

I felt flustered but kept my composure.

"I don't care how you feel" I stated while pulling my hand out of his. With a devilish smirk he pushed me up against the house wall. His veiny hands grabbed both my wrist and pinned me.

"Now that's mean say you're sorry" he said looking all over my body then slowly looking into my eyes with pure lust. Avoiding eye contact with him at all cost.

"Oh now you shut up? Come on just say you're sorry and I'll pull off of you" he grumbled

With an evil, cunning grin still not looking him in the eyes I said. " you want me to say sorry?"  I shot up and looked him dead in his eyes and stated "then beg"

That caught him off guard I could tell by the look in his eyes.

"You'd have to make me feel amazing to even get me to beg someone like you" he replied

"Then this isn't fun" I said bored attempting to get out of his grip but he just tightened around my wrist. He leaned over me and whispered "You're the one who's going to be begging I promise you that highness"

I could practically hear the lust and desire in his voice.  He pulled away from my ear and leaned in. With deep heavy breaths which caused butterflies in my stomach as he neared my lips.

he smirked and looked only at my lips hungrily. His mouth centimeters away as his tongue snaked out and licked my top lip right before he was about to kiss me we were interrupted.

I look over to catch two boys rushing out the front door yelling at each other. The one yelling louder threw a hard punch right at the other guys face.

Loads of people flooded to see the commotion and witness the fist fight. Apparently those boys were popular around school but I wouldn't bother to notice.

What a way to ruin the moment... maybe it was for the best?

I walk away from gremlin as he looked at me in disbelief before he followed me right back into the house. We sat on the couches both totally wasted and blazed through. Our eyes blood-shot red.

It was 2Am and the party continued as people danced and made out ridiculously. Atsumu asked me to play suck and blow with him and a large variety people.

As the paper went around during the game I sat next to atsumu, he blew out the paper on purpose to sneak a kiss.

We both smelled of hard liquor and beer. "Unbelievable you're gross" I joked as I pushed him away from the kiss. "You know you liked it. Don't worry this is just the beginning to our love story" he kidded.

After that it was a big blur, the party ended around 4 in the morning. I knocked out on Atsumus lap on the sofa. Wasted and high I had the best sleep of my life.

I woke up, ran to the restroom and threw up plenty of times. I checked my phone and it read 7:03Am. As I noticed the new wallpaper on my phone that was set by someone else.

It was Suna.

When did he take these pictures? It was obviously way before we got messed up. Then I remembered it must've been when I was cleaning up the glass that the twins broke. Haha I giggled on the bathroom floor. Then placed my head in front of the toilet and puked once again.

Suddenly I was one of those characters from the movies throwing up after parties.

I clean myself up and walk out the restroom feeling the world shaking at my feet. I walk near the sofa i was sleeping on and see Atsumu sitting down with his head thrown back asleep and drooling.

I smirk and walk out the front door. I began walking home slowly and thought back to the party.

I actually enjoyed myself.

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