Philip x Reader

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So like most things that I don't immediately write, I lost inspiration on the Angelica chapter, so I'm writing whatever this is.

 Also, I did research, so the ages are, Philip and the reader- 16, Angelica (Hamilton)- 14, Alexander Jr.- 12, James- 10, John (Hamilton)- 6, William- 1, Eliza (Wife not child) is currently pregnant with their second daughter Eliza (the child)

I don't know if there is something like this, but it is the usual "Philip falls in love with Jefferson's kid" thing, except, Alex and Thomas have a secret....

Warning- SAD SAD SAD!, Death, suicide, self harm, depression, (I'm sorry)

Modern au - Alex's Pov (bet you didn't see that coming did you?)

So this is it. My boy is all grown up. Pride is not the word I'm looking for. Today I get to meet Philip's significant other (if you are not ok with this phrase, feel free to change it throughout the story, if necessary).

Despite the fact that Philip has been dating this mysterious person for two months I still have not had the pleasure to meet them. So after days of begging my son to meet them, he agreed and said, "Well, I guess you'll have to meet them sooner or later so might as well invite their father as well." So as my wife is finishing up dinner I have to get the kids in to something decent before Philp comes back with them at 7.


I had all the kids somehow behaving while Angelica was helping her mother set the table.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

I called my wife in the room, grabbed William and ushered the children to the door. When I opened it I saw my son, his (beautiful/ handsome/ whatever you prefer) significant other, and someone I wouldn't have guessed in a million years, Thomas Jefferson.

Philip must have seen the shock and anger in my face and he quickly intervened, "Mom, Dad, this is (Y/n), and I'm sure you know their father. (Y/n), these are my parents." Angelica coughed to get his attention, "and my siblings."

"Hi," (Y/n) said and waved awkwardly, already blushing from the situation.

"Welcome sweetie, come on in! I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Eliza." My wife said welcoming (Y/n) to ease the tension. "Now why don't we make our way to the table and we can all introduce ourselves over dinner?"

"That sounds delightful!" Thomas smiles walking behind them making his way to the dining room.

I walk over to him and say, "May I have a word with you?" He nods and walks into the hall and off into my office.

"What is it Hamilton?"

"Ok so listen. I know we don't exactly have the best history, y'know. Especially with how things were in high school, but I think we should put that behind us for our kids' sake."

"Yeah, I was thinking that. So we have an agreement?"

"Yes." I held my hand out and he grabbed it and firmly shook it, nodding. We stepped out of the office and rejoined my family for dinner.

I sat at the head of the table, Eliza to my left and Philip to my right. (Y/n) sat next to Philip, while their father sat opposite of me.

"So (Y/n), how long have you known Philip?" I tried to start a conversation.

"About three years now. Although I've liked him for at least two of them."

"How'd you two meet? I mean, despite the fact me and Thomas work together I don't recall ever getting you two to meet." 

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