John Laurens Week- April Not-Fooled

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Hey everyone! I want to APOLLOgize for not uploading like promised. I've just been really stressed. I hope you can forgive me for that. I'm no longer making any promises anymore because I am apparently not able to keep them..... I'm sorry.

Warning- See warnings for the SMFDR chapter, I can't say it without spoilers!

John's Pov- Modern Au

Yes! It's finally the day I've been waiting for! Aprils Fool's day! I go downstairs and get started. I make French Toast, but instead of cinnamon and sugar, I use cinnamon and salt. Then I hid their bag on the top shelf in the pantry, that I know they could never reach. Finally I plastic wrapped their phone. All that was left was to wake them up.

Or so I thought. Right as I thought that I heard rushing footsteps, then someone throwing up.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) are you ok?" I call as I run to the bathroom to check on them. I see them  hunched over the toilet pale-faced. I keep their hair out of their face, while gently rubbing their back. "You ok?" I ask once they're finished.

"I just threw up last night's dinner, do you think I'm ok?" They snap.

"You're right! I should have thought about that! So, I guess you're not going to work today?"

"Not anymore." They threw up again.

Once they finish again I say, "Well I know what can cheer you up! Guess what today is?"

"Is it an anniversary? Is it your birthday? Is it my birthday? What holiday is it? Did I get presents?" They start freaking out.

"No, sweetheart, calm down." I assure them. "It's APRIL FOOL'S DAY!" I smile.

They giggle some, "Sometimes you are such a child!"

"But you love it!"

"Speaking of child, since I'm sick you'll have to take Grace to school today."

"Ok, fine! I'll go wake her up!"

"You're the best husband!" They yell.

"Yeah, remember that later!" I say thinking about their phone currently wrapped in plastic wrap.

I walk into our daughter's room. She's only about 6, but she is obsessed with Marvel. I walk in to see the posters of Captain Marvel, Spiderman, Wanda Maximoff and Black Widow. 

I kneel in front of her bed, "Hey, Grace, it's time to get up. Gracie, you have school today."

She slowly sits up, rubs her (eye/color) eyes and says, "Where's (insert preferred parental term)?" 

"They're sick right now sweetie, so I'm taking you to school today." I smile.

"Oh, ok!" She giggles. Her freckled face lights up in excitement.

"JOHN HENRY LAURENS!!!" I hear (Y/n) scream from the kitchen.

"Oooh, you're in trouble! They used your full name!" Grace said.

"Grace, why don't you go ahead on get dressed, and I'll meet you in the kitchen. Ok?" I asked trying to leave to check on (Y/n).


"Thank you, princess."

"No, not princess today! I'm Scarlet Witch!" She says waving her arms like she's doing magic.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you, Scarlet Witch!"

I run into the kitchen to check on my spouse.

"Yes, love? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, sure I'm ok. I just saw this French Toast and was like 'Aww, my husband was nice enough to make me breakfast today!' Then I took a bite, and it was so bad I threw up!"

"Yeah, I should have warned you, huh?"

"You think?"

"At least you haven't seen your phone yet..." I mumbled.

"What did you do to my phone?"

"I may have wrapped it in plastic wrap..." I sighed, not able to escape.

"I would kill you, but I want to go back to sleep. Also you have work and need to take our daughter to school. I'll see you when you come home for lunch."

"See you then." I give them a hug and kiss their forehead. "I love you, get better soon."

"Love you."

"Grace, sweetie, time for school!" I call as I grab her Captain America backpack and Captain Marvel lunchbox off the table.

She runs to the door and we head out.


"(Y/n), baby, I'm home!" I call when I get into the house. I see them on the couch still in pajamas crying over the end of WandaVision. "Honey, why are you still crying over the ending? You've seen it ten times!"


"Ok, wow! Calm down."

They turn the TV off and wipe their eyes then faces me, "It's ok. I wanted to tell you something."

"Ok, go."

"I'm pregnant." They sigh.

I pause processing the information. "Wait, this is an April Fool's isn't it?" I realize.

They shook their head. "No, I'm not 10, unlike someone."

"So wait, you mean?" I ask not able to form a full sentence.

"Yes, we'll soon have another little one running around."

I grab their hand and kiss it. I then touch their stomach and say, "Hey, kid. I'm your dad. I can't wait to meet you." I kiss their stomach and they giggle. I look up. "Who's going to tell Grace?"

"We can both tell her." (Y/n) nods.

WOW! Sorry, that took two days for me to write! My next chapter is going to be short and sweet. I want to get out my required 7 chapters, so. I'm just so stressed right now, so I thank you all for staying here with me! Please consider voting, commenting, and requesting! It means a lot to me! Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you in a little bit with my next chapter!

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