two (old)

933 21 1

Sean pov.

I leave still in pain as i walk tords the lunch table evan though i only eat if im at are table i grab something and sit i dont eat untill i see zander walk neer he comes and sits soon everyone joins him the pain is getting worse and worse but i dident want to worry them by just leaving again so i stayed i tryed nit go talk or id probably start to cry i slowly ate the fryes on my plate because if i shoved them down like everyone id puke i couldn't take the pain and i begin tear up i look down hoping no one will see so i reasted my head down no one niticed until i started to make sniff a little

Mily:sean are you ok?


Mily:sean are you crying?


Hailey:whats wrong?

Sean:i-ill b-b-be back

I run to the bathroom as i can hear everyone behind me i didn't try and take the bandages off i just hold were it hurt i lean down to the sink and start to cry i hear the boys come in they see me leaning over the sink crying

Luke: SEAN! Are you-..... Oh


jake: WHO DID THIS?!?!


Zander:TELL US!


This wasent sad silence anymore i was slowly geting angrier and angrier



I realized what i said and tryed to say sorry but they just left i felt that i was the problem i was the case i got down sat on my knees then curled up siting and started to cry into my lags


i look at my bag grabbed the razer and cut the bandages i cut about 5 untill i hear the Door open i just relized that it was cracked how dum of me u quickly cut one more and stuff the Razer into my bag i see jake step in crying looking at me i realize what he did and started saying sorry and hoping that.he wouldn't yell at me he dident hesitate to run up huging me

Sean:y-your ganna get blood on you

Jake: i dont care i just want you to stop

i hug him back he dident ferget about the cuts and huged tight he was careful i let go and he did we talked about it and why i done it

Word count 405

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