seven (old)

472 13 7

I-it wasent daisy it was jake every time i got mad it was hake no daisy i start to panic thinking of my perents but i calm my self down thinking of hiw jake let me say at his house i look at him and blush more soon enough practice was over and jake whispers ro me to please eat i noded my head and went through the line and sat at the table i slowly took bites as i looked up i see jake smiling at me but when he realized that i relized he looked away after lunch i want with jake to his house

Jakes dad:hey boys

Jake:hey dad

We went to jakes room and i asked him if he can sleep with me again

Sean: can you sleep with me again


We had dinner and went to sleep once jake fell asleep i snuggled closer fo him

Jakes pov.

I close my eyes as i feal sean snuggle up fo my chest i smile and blushed

Sean pov.

I wake up and jale is there i relize we amt getten out od echother grip unless the other is awake which made me blush i lay my head back down on his chest and fall asleep to his heart beet

Jake pov.

I wake up its the weekend and i feal Sean asleep on my chest i was a blushing mess i relize that he was still wearing my hoodie which made me smile i kissed his forehead and snuggled back up to him

Jakes sisters (Hannah)pov.

(She dident know that sean was there shes at the college age and hasent been home because of college)

I walk in to the house and was greeted by dad

Dad:hey hunny how has college been

Hannah: good where is my bum brother -_-

Dad:haha his in him room his friend is staying here so be sure to only wake him

Hannah:ok love uuuu

I walk to his room and slowley open the door as i see only one person my brother but as i get closer i see 5hat he has someone elese in the bed


I deside to let them sleep after i take a picture he is going to kill me >:3

Jake pov.

I wake up seeing that sean isent asleep hes just coddling now

Jake:hey Sean


Jake: You know we have to get up at some point

Sean: but im comfy :,(

Jake:come on

Sean:fine :,(

We both sit up and get up sean stretched it was cute i walk out and see Hannah at the table


I ran up and hugged her

Hannah:ello sleepy head how was your sleep

Jake: good

Hannah: so whos the other guy your were coddling with is that your boy friend 😂


I say no but i really want him to be

Hannah: mhm

Jake:hes not

Hannah: would you do this with just a freind *shows pic of them coddling*

Jake: 0//////0 im going to kill you

Hannah: your blushing wait do you really like him i was just joking around

Sean pov.

I walk down to the kitchen and i see jake and someone arguing i dont know how he keeps himself together during fights i deside to listen in

?: your blushing whit do you really like him i was just joking around 0o0


?:0o0 you've finely found love and u decide to hide it from me i feal hert 😔

Jake:hey I've liked people before

?: ya buts its never gone as far as sleeping with them in the same bed

Sean:a-are they talking about me?(asked himself quietly)

(A/n) im not ganna like but i love this i got a little carried away tho xD hope u enjoyed

Word count 633

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