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Sean pov

I was so worryed mom and dad got that laptop for me when i was real young and when they were happy and wasent abusive and fight all day...

There was no way they were going to get me another... So i have to buy one myself

I walk and check my card there was no where near enough... "I hope there to busy fighting to evan notice its gone.." I whisper to myself hoping to not get beaten when i get home

I start walking back and jake ran up to me "hey! Sean!" He yells when running "oh hey jake" i say sadly "i just remembered" he paused to catch his breath "i have a spare laptop dr- someone gave me" he continued and i had a confused face

"Are you saying i can Barrow it?" I asked "im saying you can have it!" He happily says i stand there processing what he just said to me i start to cry "are you ok?" He asks me and i run up and hug him "you dont know how much this means to me" i tell him

He hugs me back and i felt a little hot i guess from crying i steped back wiped my tears and smiled we start to head back to the others

"SEAN! WE FOUND YOUR LAPTOP!" I heard "what?!?" I yelled as my eyes widdened

I sigh as i put my lap top back into my bag "im so sorry s-sean" bethany apologized sniffing "hey its alright Bethany" i smile "whyd you take my laptop anyway?" I askd her "i-i wanted to make music and show m-my friends" she sobed "how about this next time i. Come over we can make something?" I say "r-really!?" She asked me "yep" i say as i stand up

"Oh and jake thankx for your offer anyway" i smile as my face heat up again i must be getting a cold i sigh at the thought

We all soon left the mall i started to walk home trying to get every destruction i could untill i seen daisy crying on a bench my eyes widdened we talked for a bit and i helped her feal better enough to go talk to her mom

-Tw: abusive parents- start-

I smile and wave as she leaves i check the time" fuck-" i said i had 10 minutes to get home and i was far from it im going to get beat today-

I start running tords my house but it was to late i open the door and they were both standing at it i closed the door and my mom hit a wine bottle on my head

I harshly breath in "why the fuck where you late you still havent cleaned the house" my dad yelled at me the one thing they can agree on is that i was a mistake

"Go get out of are slight untill his house is spotless" my dad yelled i nodded and quickly got up

I walked around the house cleaning making sure thay did not see be because if they did i would be hit

Soon it was morning and time for school... I couldnt just skip but i wasnt done with the house well i guess id be getting beat eather way.. I quickly get dressed in my room and then realized how bad the hit was from last night

-Tw: abusive parents- -stop-

you could tell i was hit there was no mistaken it- it looked nothing like a fall or burn and it was Straight over my eye

-Tw: talk of self harm- -start-

I put a eye patch on it in hopes it would be better it was ill just make up a excuse i pulled down my sleeve to hide my many cuts and i make my way to school

-Tw: talk of self harm- -stop-

Word count 659

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