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Sean pov

"Dad where here" jake yelled "ill be out in a minute!" I head a voice say "jake!-....whos this-?" A small kid with brown hair came running into the room

"This is sean hes one of my friends" jake smiles wall looking at tge kid "oooo! Hi sean" he waved at me and i smile "hello" soon a red-ish haired man ran in the room "hey jake and his friend show him around wall i finish this"

"Ok dad" he smiles "hey zack you want to come help me?" The man said "oooo! Yes!" Zack runs into the room the man "thats my brother and dad" jake laughed "oh they seem nice" i smile

-time skip-

Jake just got Finnished showing me around and we went to his room he opened the door "and this is my room" he smiles there was a big bed a tv and other things. Shelf and a few other things he walks in all the way and sits on his bad

"come in and sit" he slimes at me my face felt a little worm as i closed the door as sat next to him"what do you want to watch?" He asks me i picked a movie and we watched this went on for a bit we would take turns and watch a movie it was now 1134 we already ate so we decided we will go to sleep

"You can yake my bed ill sleep on the floor" he says "no!- id feal bad if i take it im used to sleeping on the floor anyways" i say "exactly i want you to have my bed because you had to sleep on the floor before" he argues

We fight about it for a bit then i gave up and took the bed i covered myself up and soon fell asleep

"How dare you go somewhere without telling me! Your the worst child ive ever had!Theres only one thing good about you!" My mom complained to me "w-what is it?" I ask "that your not one of those 'gays' they are a nuisance to society!" She rolled her eyes as she smoked"

I quickly sat up from the nightmare jake looked at me with his phone on "you ok?" He asked i wiped my tears "yep just a nightmare.." He stood up and sat on the bed "you sure?" Jake asked me i noded "im fine" he hugged me "i can tell your not" i smile and hug him back i let a few tears fall

"My nightmare was dumb anyways" i say "what was it?" He asked me "it was my mom lecturing me after she beaten me and her talking bad about gay people" i let go of tye hug and jake looked away awkwardly "a-are you gay?" He asked

I was silent for a second '......am i?' I asked myself in my thoughts 'that would explain why ive been red around-.....' I turned bright red as i realized 'im gay..... for jake' "n-no" i laughed "im just a ally and feal uncomfortable when someone talks bad about them" i smile still red

"...oh well ima go back to sleep" he gets up ".. I dont think i can" i sighed jake turned back around "if you want- i could sleep with you" my face went red as my mind went straight to the gutter but i knew what he ment

I slowly nodded and scouted over he layed down and so did i we soon both fell asleep

Word count 597

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