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Hailey pov

I was standing as sean told me that his parents done something and a lawyer had to talk to them "what did your parents do? I asked" sean swallowed. "Theve abused me since i was f-five" a few tears ran down his face and i was shocked with my eyes widened "ive done things to myself im not proud of" sean laughed sadly

"I know that they never really loved me but its still hard to go through all of this hell court starts in a month" he said and i sat beside him as jake was hugging him i put my hand on his shoulder "im sorry that none of us really noticed except for jake im guessing" he nodded i got a text i looked down at my phone It was from zander

Dumbass: hey Hailey
get home moms
making me help

Me: Just help

Dumbass: you know
im horrible at

Me: im dealing with
something right now
just deal with it

Dumbass: ur no help
just get home as
soon as you can before
we eat straight trash
for dinner

Me: 👍

I looked at them "im sorry guys i cant stay long zander is being made to do something other then look at cute puppy videos" i slightly laugh and they laughed to "its fine enjoy that" sean laughed "i hope everything gets better sean im so sorry again" he nodded at me and waved bye i waved back and headed down stares

"Leaving so soon?" The man asked and i nodded "i have to be somewhere" i laughed and waved and he eaved back "be careful" he smiled and i closed the door

Sean pov

"That went better then expected" i laughed slightly "yeah"-... I was shocked how calm she was but not at the same time shes always been kind of calm but when it comes to music i laugh at myself "hey jake?" I ask "yes?" He looked at me "do..... Do you think this is going to go well?" He was silent for a minute

"The court? Yeah i think it with go fine" he smiled " i want to believe that everything will be fine everyone would be will us on it but- what if they win? Theyll be out- free- with no punishment- thell find me a-and probably kill me-" jake sat there listening rubbing my back "sean i dont think thell win we have so much evidence aginsed them what what would thay even have? 'Putting a roof over your head' and 'getting you cloths' they have nothing b- .. Sean nothing" he hugged me "thak you you always know how to cheer me up"

"And my dads friend is a amazing lawyer" he kissed me i sat on his lap and put my head in the crook of his neck he hugged me and we fell Asleep just like that the next morning we woke up surprised jakes dad hadnt already

We went down and looked around the house "huh wonder where he went-" jake questioned "and where is your brother-" we still looked "hey theres a note"

"Hey boys i went to wake you up but you two looked comfortable i didnt want to ruin it me and Michael left and went to his zack is at his friends for the week i thought it would be best if he stayed out of this whole thing


"Says your brothers at a friend's and ur dads at the lawyers house" i yelled out to jake "oh alright good to know" he smiled and walked over "do you want today to be a chill out day? We have only a week till the court starts-" he suggested i nodded and plopped down on the couch and cuddled him when he sat next to me

Word count 644

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