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Seans pov

I woke up being shaken my Hailey "sean! Sean! Its time for school were going to be late!" I jump up im used to being up early so this was new im still very tired though i quickly get dressed and grab my bag

Soon me Hailey and Zander were out the door they where talking and i was on my phone "your boyfriend is in love with a drum set" Hailey joked "at least im not in love with someone who hated us for are music" zander shot back

I looked up and Hailey was as red as a tomato "i am not!" She defended zander mocked her more "at lest jake has......" She tryed to think "mhm" zander nodded taking the victory

that hole conversation made me feal.... uncomfortable but i just let it go its just me being tired

"Oh! sean!" "Hm?" I looked up "do you have a crush?" She asked walking backwards to face me "well umm uhh" i was red from the sudden question "oo thats a ye-" she was cut off by falling on the ground "ow" she simply said as she hit the ground

Me and zander were quite for a few seconds before we busted into laughter soon helping the one on the ground up "you never answered my question" Hailey said smiling and i was red one again zander and Hailey both giggled at me

"I dont" i said "your whole face tells us your lying" zander said "Hailey oooooo whats her name!?" Hailey was very excited for some reason that question made me uncomfortable though i knew it was daisy "as id tell you two" i sigh "so u admit it" Hailey smiled "NO-" i yelled A few minutes of talking later we made it to school soon splitting up

-Tw: talk of self harm- -start-

a few minutes after my 1st class my arms started to hurt "fuck did i really forgot again?" I wispered standing in the hall i walk to the bathroom no one was in there again i put my backpack down and grabbed the cleaner i had and started cleaning my arms

Jake pov

I was walking to the bathrooms as i have 10 minutes until my next class i walked in and i see sean i look closer and hes cleaning ..... Cuts my eyes widened and i was very stiff

"S-sean?" I ask he quickly turns and put his arms behind his back "jake! How long have you been there?" He asks me i walk closer then stop infront of him

I hold out my hands "give me your hands" i say and he looks away not doing it "sean im not here to judge i just wanna see how new they are" i smile hoping that would make him feal better

He pulls his hands out from behind him visibly shaking and put his hands in mine i smile as i look at the 2 arms "it doesent look like theres any to new ones..... But there very Deep....." I say "t-the last o-one i made was t-two days ago...." I smiled

"its nothing to be ashamed of .... I-it just shows hard times in the past or present" i tell him "i .... I might have something that will make you more open to talk to me about it...." I say he had a confused look of his face I slowly droped his arms and took a deep breath And pulled up my sleeve

Sean pov

I gasp as i seen jakes arms covered in scars though they look very old "we may of not done it for the same reason and they may be old but i thought it may help" he slightly smiles i was slightly crying as i hugged him "do you want to talk about your cuts wand why you did it?" He asked me

I slightly nod "alright" he sits on the ground next to my backpack instead of sitting next to him i decided to sit on his lap facing him after a few seconds kf silence i say "can i know your story first?" "Yes of course

-Tw: talk of self harm- -stop-

Word count 707

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