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Sean pov

The two across of me were talking when drew pulled jake into the hallway i slowly tryed to eat my frys i knew jake was right so i ate them evan tho i didnt like it

Jake and drew came back and sat down he looked over and saw me slowly eating fryes and smiles i looked away as my face heated up again and they all started talking again i wasnt paying attention though

Jake looked at the clock "fuck there going to kill us" "hm?" I asked "where 10 minutes late lets go sean" he tells me we get up and speed walk to the music room

"H-hey guys" jake said "jake your late" Hailey said "your still subprised?" Milly asked "and waw sean jakes been rubbing off on you!" She continue and i laughed "maybe a little" i smile and my face heated up a little it looks like Hailey noticed

I walked over to my table and put my computer down a few minutes in to a song i god a text i lets the computer play the song wall i pucked up my phone

It was from my dad hes probably drunk right now

Dad: where are you

Me: school?

Dad: get your ass here

Me: i cant just leave

Dad: fine but were
doing things later

My eyes widdened and i think jake noticed his singing got a little worse and he was looking at me i stand up and hed for the door they stoped "sean were are you going?" Hailey asked "oh i just have to use that bathroom hit the ender button to restart the track" i smile "Alright dont be long!" Luke said and i wave

Jake pov

I know well he want just going to use the bathroom he was upset and upset = cutting he still hasnt got off of it yet i know he can but hes been doing it so long "know what i have to go to ill be back" i smile "were loseing members by the second!" Milky joked

I made my way to the bathroom and i was sadly right he was crying and cutting his saying 'fuck' over and over i quickly run over there and grabed his arms careful bot to tuch any cuts his eyes widdened still crying

I grabed the knife anf put it on the sink i let out my breath and put his hands down still holding them "i thought you'd do this" i say as he was still crying "what made you snap?" I asked he let go of my hand and grabed his phone from his pocket And opened a app he showed me it said

Dad: where are you

Me: school?

Dad: get your ass here

Me: i cant just leave

Dad: fine but were
doing things later

And then his dad said more in to detail what they were going to do i was pissed i didnt know why but i was very pissed "ok thats the final straw" i get out my phone "NO NO NO NO jake! I- i dont want to die"

"and your not going to" i tell him i i call my dad and put him on speaker "hey dad" "jake arnt you in school you better not be skipping" he says "dont worry its club time i needed to ask you something" "what is it" "can one of my friends stay for a bit they- theyve been having family trubble" "of course they can" "thanx dad! I have to get back to club but thank you" "your welcome now go back to club"

I smile and hang up the phone sean smiled and huged me "thank you jake" he thanked me "how are we going to hide your cuts?" I asked he grabs bandages out of his bag "these" i nod and helped sean put them on

We soon made are way back we open the door "were back" i say "god were you two making out you took so longgggg" milly joked we both turned as as red as a hell "haha look there blushing" milly made fun "milly!" Sean yelled i laughed

"What? Your both so red" milly finished and jumped off of seans desk Hailey was looking the other way "alright lets get as much practice we can" zander sighed

We practiced till time was up and it was finally time for are last 2 classes then home

~after the classes~

I walked toward the exist door and went outside i sat and waited for sean a few minutes later he walks out "hey jake" he sighs "ready to go?" I ask and he nods we walked to my house in comfortable silence and soon got there

Word count 800

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