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Sean yawned and sat up Jake us next to him in bed it's been 3 and a half years later, they remember the competition like it was yesterday it was nice they got 1st place. Him and Sean got their own home, well a little apartment. One room, kitchen and a bathroom they were happy with their small rangement Jake had an office job and Sean had a small music career he sold music to artists.

"Babe?" Sean looked at Jake's slumped body, he was snoring quietly. He giggled and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Sean stood up and checked his phone and his texts from artists on how they wanted some parts the beats changed. a text popped up from an unknown number, it reads "sean" he asked who it was then put the phone down. Sean went to their small kitchen and cooked up some pancakes for his boyfriend.

He checked his phone after resigning a text back. "Your father" he froze. It couldn't be. His dad's in jail. Could he have gotten out early?.. he took off the pancakes and when to the bedroom he couldn't be alone. "Hey  baby" Jake tiredly said as he cuddled up to him "my dads out of jail..." He said softly. There was no point worrying about his mother as she had died a year prior. Hardcore fight in jail got her. Neither  Jake or sean attended the funeral. Jake sat up sharply as he heard this "what the hell he's subpost to be in for life!-.."

Sean was scared enough still shaking of fear, almost to tears. He hugged him rubbing his back. "shh... Shh.. shh.. it's ok he doesn't know where we are ok?..." Jake comforted him "he texted me... I-i was trying to cook..." He hands him the phone and jake looks through it. Looking at his dad's texts then the previous ones for three years ago. The threats make Jake's heartache.

"He's in jail" Jake replays to the text. "Got out for good behavior. Where are you?" Jake looks at the massage with disbelief. He really thought should would tell him that. "Fuck you." Jake responded "I'll find you. When I do you'll be dead. Ill kill you myself. Have fun with your boy toy because soon you will be mine." Jake blocked him hey... Hey baby it's ok it's just some sick prank.."

Jake lied. He didn't want Sean to panic,but he knew this wouldn't last long. He would have to tell him. He will tell him, just not now.


thoughts and prayers? 😚


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