eight (old)

450 13 2

I blush at the fact jake just said that he liked me i walk back up untill i stop blushing i walk bat down and the girl was still here



Sean: hello whats your name

?:hello im hannah im jakes sister

Sean: oh nice fo meet you

Hannah and jake whisper but i couldn't here

Sean: jake im still tirrrrrrred

Jake: then go back to sleep -_-

Sean: i caaaaaaaaaant

Jake: why

I hug him and say

Sean:i need you


Jake fine we and sleep in 10 minutes ok

Sean: ok :3

Hannah pov.

The boy that i think is sean or thats what jake calls him hugs jake and says something i couldn't here but i saw jake blush jake says something to him and he walks away looken happy

Hannah:what did he say

Jake:im not ganna tell you


Jake:your an idiot

Hannah: 😂

Jake: fine ill tell you

Hannah: 0o0

Jake:so remember how i said just go up and sleep then then he huged me he said "i need you" -/////-

Hannah: awwww

Jake: ya i think were ganna watch a movie on the couch and cuddle so he can sleep

Hannah: why dosent he just go home to sleep -_-

Jake:im not letting him go home i doubt he wants to anyway

Hannah:jake you cant keep someone captive

Jake: oh ya you dont know the story....

Jake: *explains*

Hannah: oh....

Hannah: sorry i asked

Jake: its fine you dident know

Jake: ima go cuddle before he gets mad 😂

Sean pov.

I was up stares in jakes room when i hear foot steps jake opens the door

Sean: hey

Jake: hey instead of cuddling in here do you wanna watch a movie

Sean: sure

We walk down and sit on the couch i lay my head on his stomach and his arms get put around me he pulls me up and im now siting on his lap and laying my head on his shoulder i really do love him...

(A/n) ello i dont have much to say but goodbye xD

Word count 347

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