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Sean pov:

I yawned and sat up jake was clinging onto me i kissed him "jakeee its time for school" i said he sighed and sat up he rubbed his eyes and got up and i fallowed he handed me clothes "here you go" he took his shirt off and i became red and he looked at me "are you seriously red from me taking my shirt off?" He laughed and put his hoodie on i rolled my eyes and put my clothes on

Soon we were out the door "we have legit had sex and you blushed my seeing my chest" he laughed again "well come on" i laughed "oh! The lawyer! Hes going to get us early from school to talk to us!" He started to walk backwards "alright the trial is about a week away right?" I asked and jake nodded "why guys!" Hailey ran up behind us

"Hey hailey" i laughed "it would "kill" zander to run so he's back there with Luke" she said "Hailey so would it be bad if both me and sean weren't at the rehearsal today?" Jake asked hailey "well as long as your not skipping it for some kind of date then do it wont hurt and sean if you guys aren't going to be there could you leave your laptop with me then ill bring it to you after" she asked i nodded "but bring it to jakes house-... I've gotta tell you something when your there-" i said handing her my laptop and she nodded taking it

Soon we were at school said goodbye and went off to classes after a few i was called to the officei walked up and jake was sitting there with a man talking "h-hello" i waved "sean!" He got up and pulled me over "this is the lawyer!" He said happily "hello im sean" the lawyer shook my hand "now would you sit down we have things to discuss" he said  i nodded and sat next to jake and the lawyer sat infront of us

"Alright tell me in detail what happened when this all started" he said with a pin and paper infront of him ready to write

"alright i was around 4-5 i was in the living room when my parents broke out in a huge fight they started throwing things so i hid behind the couch soon my dad left the house and i went to ask my mom what was wrong she looked at me s-so mad still she had a empty vodka bottle in her hand and she hit me on the head with it she kept hitting me till i passed out then took me to my room a few days later m-my dad came back- ..."

I was about to cry and jake grabbed my hand i let out a deep breath and continued

"And he r@ped me this went on for years untill jake seen how something was happening and let me stay with him a dit after i started staying with jake we called the police and here we are-"

The lawyer put his pin down "im sorry if this is to much but do you have any bruises from this or any scars that can prove it" he said and i nodded i have some on my knee head arms and light ones on my neck" i responded "ok if you don't mind im going to need pictures of these to help with your case so far with all of this evidence i think your going to win anyways its time for me to go go you two can choose to go home or go to class or whatever you'd be in right now" he said and gathered his things

We decided to go home "hey you want me to drive you i was planning to talk to your father anyways jake" he said getting into his car "alright might as well" jake said and looked at me i smiled and got into the car

Word count 680

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