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Jake pov

-Tw: talk of self harm- -start-

Sean sat on my lap facing me i blushed a bit i didnt expect that after a few seconds of silence "can you tell me your story first?" He asks "of course" i say

When i was in about middlee school school i was bullyed.... Non-stop no one ever helped me and telling the teachers made it worse and worse so i resorted to..... You know to hide my pain from the bullys and teachers i stoped getting bullyed when drew helped me

"Drew hes.. Hes the only one that knows about my past cuting.. Exept you now not evan Henrey or liam knows about it the people who knoe about the past bullys are you drew liam Henry and Hailey" "Hailey knows?" He asked me "yep she asked me why i still hang out with them"

"That- Thats a much better reason then mine" sean looks down "well are you ready to tell me do do you not want to?" I asked him "im ready" he takes a Deep breath

-Tw: talk about abuse- -start-

When i was 5 my parents started to have problems.. My Dad cheated and they had a big fight dad was kicked out and mom started dricking more once she was d-drunk she b-beat me i cryed and cryed but n-no one came to help me my drunken mom called o-one of her exes and t-they did 'things' i w-was able to get to my room by myself b-but i c-could hear them i cryed in m-my room on my b-bed untill it stoped hours l-later a few days later my Dad came back they were happy again for a f-few days but they argued and argued a-a--...

Sean was cut off by his own crying "hey hey you dont have to continue if you dont wont to" he cryed in to my sholder as i comforted him a few minutes later he said "i-i can continue" "are you sure you want to?" I asked "y-yes" i nod

-Tw: talk of r@pe- -start-

And o-one t-time my d-dad..... H-h-he d-d-did 'things' to m-me

-Tw: talk of r@pe- -stop-

About t-two years ago i started c-cuting

"I think t-thats it..." He told me "is that where you really got the black eye?" I asked him acting calm he noded "thats fucking it" i say as i pull out my phone his eyes widened as he shot up from my shoulder "wait! Dont do anything! T-the'll kill me" (a/n: yes he means literally)

-Tw: talk about abuse- -stop-
-Tw: talk about self harm- -stop-

I nod evan though i dont like it i put my phone back in my bag as he slow my puts his head back on my shoulder a few minutes later i hear soft snoring i pull out my phone to check the time "fuck! chemistry is almost over- ill just wake him when its over because i cant take him to lunch sleeping"

~after chemistry ended~

I sigh as it was time to wake sean up i slowly shake him awake "Sean its lunch time" i say "hmm?" He responds " its lunch time" i repeat sean slowly gets up "i fell asleep?" Sean asks me and i nod standing up he yawns and pulls down his sleeves and i do the same

"If you want i could see if i could get in in lunch with me drew liam and Henry" he nods "if you want to sure ill eat with you i probably wont talk much or eat..." He wispered the last part but i could hear it

"Hey sean i get you might has a eating disability but try a little ok?" The urge to do something i would probably regret was geting higher and higher and i have no idea why....

He nods when i fully look at myself again i relized how much sean cryed it somehow got to my sleeves i took off my jacket and put it in my bag we grab are stuff and head to lunch we grabbed food and headed to my usual table

"H-hey guyssssss" i said "oh hey jake- and- whos this-" Henry asked "this is sean" i told them and pulled out a seat from another table and he sat next to me time went by and i relized drew was staring at my wrists

"You ok drew?" I asked " can i talk to you quickly in private?" He asked and i nodded we walk into the empty hall way "let me see your arms" he said "drew you really think i w-" i was cut off " just show me" i rolled my eyes and pulled up my sleeves "ok... Legs?" He asked i sigh. As i pulled up my pants legs

"Alright" he sighs in relief "whyd you think i started again?" I asked pulling everything back down "i seen your wet sleeve and thoght you might of Horriblely cleaned them and you wort in cemetery" drew explains i roll my eyes as we head back and sat down and continued to talk

Word count 888

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