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Seans pov

I yawn as i didnt get sleep i finally made it to school and i walked in i see Hailey in the hallway "oh hi sean" she says as she walks over "hey hailey" i laugh "what happend to your eye?" She asks "oh nothing just fell on the why home" i smile "oh well was everything on hour laptop there?" She asked fuck- i forgot to check this morning

"Uhhh ya if i remembered right" i tell her "thats good-" the bell cut her off i smile as we walk seprete ways

A few hours later it was lunch then practice i was sure i was the last evan though i was normally the first i quietly take a deep breath and walk in

"Hey guys" i say "sean?" Zander asks "we thought you went home or something man" milly announced "ha and you all say im always last" jake proudly said "thats because you are jake" Hailey told him and jake turned around "i am no-! Wow sean what happened to your eye?" He asked me walking over

"Oh i just fell on the way here" i laughed "i thought you said on the way home?" Hailey asked me "oh did i? Well i meant on the way here" i laughed

Jake pov

I completely did not believe that was true just look at the facts he said a different story to Hailey this morning im guessing but if im wright on my suspicion then what did happen?
I was going to ask him something but daisy walked in and i git distracted

Sean pov

Daisy walked it and jakes attention went off my and onto daisy as he walked over to her i felt a little off about it but i just let it go

"Oh my sean! What happened?" Daisy quickly put her attention on me as she seen my eye "oh its nothing i just fell on the way here" i laugh "alright" she smiles and continued to talk to everyone

I sat down when a sudden pain went into my arms i tryed to adjust thinking i was in a bad position But soon realized what was really going on

-Tw: talk of self harm- -start-

Fuck fuck fuck fuck did i really for get to clean my cuts this morning my eyes started to tear and i quickly got but and ran out yelling "ill be right back" i soon got to the bathroom i walked in luckily no one was in there

i pulled up my sleeve and grabbed the peroxide i hand in my back pack for these times though this is the first time it really happened i poured some on my arms and grabbed my bandages i also had i wrapped my arms in them and slowly sink to the ground

I sigh as i put everything back into my bag and then smile as i wipe my tears

-Tw: talk of self herm- -stop-

I pick myself up off the floor and walked to the music room and i walk in "hey guys sorry i had to do something" i smile "your good we were just worryed for a second there" luke told me and i smile "alright lets start" Hailey loud ly said to get Everyones attention we all non and get started

After school i didnt go to the music room instead i went to Haileys we desided i should come over and i agreed not wanting to go home as soon as we figured out where i was sleeping i immediately fell asleep because of my lack of it

Word count 608

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