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*warning this chapter is a little on the heated side but there in no smut*

Sean pov

I eased into the kiss and leand into it but he soon pulled back are faces were very red "im s-sorry-" he let go of me "its ok i just like being asked before being kissed" i laugh "ill be back" he says heading to the bathroom probably cleaning his cuts when he was gone i cleaned his blood around the room and found the Razer i sneakily threw it out

He came back in i sat on his Bed he sat next to me "we need to talk about this dont we..?" He asked i nod to him we were silent for a long while. "I liked it" i said "r-really?" He looked over in shock

"Yep" i looked away he jumped up and hugged me we laughed and sat up he grabbed my chin "can i kiss you?" He asked me i quickly nod and soon we kisses it was the best feeling ever things got a little heated and we made out

He soon pulled away after kissing my jaw line "are you ok with this i promise i wont to anything to you unless u ask me to" i noded and said "im not over my Dad and i dont want to move vary fast so please dont take off my clothes or anything like that im fine with kisses" he noded at me

I sat under jake as we kissed he was about to go for my neck after i ok'ed it then we herd a knack jake got off me and headed for the door as i sat up it was his dad "hey dinners done and im off to take carr of somethings and im taking your brother with me so feal free to go somewhere text me where first"

"Alright dad" jake smiled and closed the door i stood up "lets go eat" i told jake he agreed we opened the door as we heard the other close after we ate we talk about what to do "oh sean ive been meaning to ask if yoir parents have been texting you" jake asked "i dont know i turned off the notifications" i responded

"Can i see?" Jake help out his hand with a smile i nod and hand him my phone as i git up to get water "you want anything?" I asked "no... Im good" he said upset i grabbed my water and made it back i lay my head on his shoulder looking at the horrible texts they've sint me

"Why wont you let me call the police on them sean?" He looked at me i stayed quiet for a minute "..... go.. Go ahead" i look at him "really?" He asked and seamed happy i was letting him

Jake picked up his phone and dialed the number "hello this is 911 what is you emergency?" A lady said threw the ohine "id like to report abuse" jake told her "is this abuse on you, a relative, friend, partner?" She asked "its on my partner" he said

"is your partner near you?" She questioned "yes" he said simply "may i speak with him?" The lady asked "yes of course" jake responded

Jake handed the phone to me "hello?" I asked "hello i have a few questions" she told me " alright i say "who is your abuser and are you in any immediate danger?" She asked "my abuser is my parents and no im not" i say "where are you staying at the moment?" She askes

"My partners house" i reply "is there more then being hit that your abuser has done?" I was asked "yes my father has r@ped me" i had tears running down my face as jake puts his arms around me to hug me

"How old where you when this started and how old are you now?" She askes "it started when i was 5 im now 18" i tell her "ok and finally whats the address of your abuser and the address of your partner?" I was asked " my parents house is **** ******** ***** and my partners is **** ******** ****"
I told "alright thank you we were sindnig police to your abusers" i was told i soon hanged up

"I- i did it" i said happy tears go down my face "you did it" jake smiled back and kissing my forehead

Word count 743

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