six (old)

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Milly:are you just ganna stand there or and you coming in -_-

Jake: ya ya were coming

I sit in my chair and see daisy walk in i watch as she goes over to jake and sits i can feal myself get mad? I gess its because jake is with daisy but i Just get more upset i eventually got up and went to the bathroom i could tell jake was woryed so i gave him a face saying that i wasent ganna cut he smiled and i walked to the bathroom i looked at my arms and frowned i was mad bit at who i had no idea why i was so upset i sat on the ground and my anger became sadness i cryed for a good 3 minutes and wiped my tears and started to head back i walked in and everyone looked at me i was confused i look at jake who was woryed and everyone could tell jake walked up to me and pulled me into the hallway

Jake:why were you in the bathroom for so long?


Jake: dont lie to me

Sean: i dident cut i promise

Jake let me see your arms

I gave him my arms and he checked for any new cuts and let out a deep breath when he dident see any and pulled me in to a hug i felt my face get hot i hug back

Jake: please dont do that again you scared me...

Sean: ok

Jake: so what did happen?



Sean:i-i cryed for 3 minutes

Jake: oh....

Sean: .... Can we go back in i think we should really do some practice before lunch

Jake: ya there ganna be mad at us hehe...

We go back in as i sit and play the tune and think about everything that just happened then i get to me fealing my face get hot... I blush again as i hear jake singing then my eyes widened as i relized that i it was never dasiy...

Ello i hope u liked it i just wanted to say if there is no pov its just seans pov just wanted to clear that up if it wasnt clear already 😅 byeee

Word count 371

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