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Sean pov

I sighed and leaned back on to jake "what you thinking?" He asked me "i dont know this is stressing me out" i told him "youll be ok in the end" he laughes and hugs me we eventually fell asleep like that

"Fuck! Sean wake up" i heard i slowly got up "were ganna be late" he told me and handed me some clothes i quickly got changed and we headed out and ran to school we got there just in time

We started walking to are classes "hey jake" i asked and he hummed "if me and Hailey get into a fight how much can i tell her about what happend after they kicked you out" i ask "tell them whatever i dont care" he gave me a quick kiss and went off in a different direction  i waved and went to class

-skip to lunch-

Me and jake met up and went to his table he said he was going to try to be friends with them again drew looked worried and the other 2 looked sad "hey..." Jake said and sat down i pulled up a chair again and ate a little faster then i used to drew hugged jake saying sorry the other 2 said sorry as well

"I cant believe they kicked you out because of us" drew said sitting down "were fixing it today" i said "why are you scarier then normal" Henrey said "im mad" i guessed they nodded and the talking got a little less award i got up and threw my things away "come on" i say and jake fallowed

"You dont have to" he said "i want to" i said i got to the music room i opened the door and jake was behind me "sean! We were wondering when youd be back!" Milly said "whys jake with you" zander said coldly "why?" I asked they looked confused "why did you kick him out?!?" I yelled "sean your kidding me your stipl on about this?!?" Hailey yelld

"Yes i am! Do you evan know how sad hes been?!?" "Hes playing with you sean!" Hailey yelled at me she hit a nerve "HAILEY YOUR JOKING" i yelled "HE SAID EXACTLY THAT HE CAME HERE TO GET DAISY TO LIKE HIM AND IS GOING TO LEAVE AFTER IF YOU ASK ME HES JUST PLAYING WITH YOU" hailey tryed to yell louder then me

"You dont evan know what hes done to himself because of you do you?" I asked crying "i dont really care" Hailey said "what if he wants to leave after the competition??? So? Were ent to be his friends were supposed to Subport him?!? So why are you being like this?? Do you want to see what hes been Doing since you kicked him out" i asked her still slightly yelling

She nodded angrily like she thought i was lying i let jake in he looked upset "if you dont want to show them you dont have to" i whispered "... No go ahead" he said and i nodded i grabbed his hand and pulled up his sleeve i slowly undid his bandages he was looking away

They all gasped and looked upset i quickly re wrapped them and pulled down his sleeve Hailey stepped forward and quickly hugged him "im sorry.." She was crying and jake hugged her back the rest of the day we practiced after we all went to Haileys and zanders get get work cought up

Me and jake went back exhausted and i still needed to find a lawyer i growned "whats wrong" jake asked me "im tired and i still need to find a lawyer" i sighed at him "dont worry about that we have a family lawyer my dad used to be friends with him and hes just a good lawyer" jake told me and i sighed in relief

We got back and opened the door we ate and went to jakes room we changed and layed in bed falling asleep immediately

Word count 674

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