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Sean pov

I was very red and very confused i looked at him and he looked at me with a look that said 'sorry' Hailey said she had to use the bathroom and left quickly she soon got back and we continued rehearsing

Soon it was over we all started to leave me and jake both waved then started walking are selfs "..." "..." We were both silent for a few minutes "hey jake.." I say "ya?" He asks "why did you say we were?"

"It was the only choice if we said no they would of asked why you have my hoodie then you would have to tell them your staying with me then theyd ask why then youd have to tell them itd just be a hole thing" he said i noded under standing of course i dont mind

"What were u going to tell me earlier?" He asked "oh uhh im not straight" i laugh nervous "oh what are you?" He asks me "im pan" i smile "well if you told me i might as well tell you" i was confused "im bi" he smiles to me

My eyes widened and i slightly smiled we soon go to his house and did homework we decided to watch a movie we set up the movie and watched

Jake pov

I cant believe that hes pan i got a chance once i thought that i felt a weight on my shoulder i blush as sean was asleep on me i turned off the tv and layed down next to him bringing him close to me and i start thinking about the music

I remember Hailey voice as shes singing I kept thinking and thinking when i get a idea ill tell sean in the morning I layed down and soon fell to sleep

Sean pov

I yawn and slowly open my eyes. Jake was VERY close to me holding me my eyes widded and my face got as hot as an oven i knew i wouldnt be able to get up so i shook jake awake "mmmm" jake growned not wanting to get up

"Jake time to get up" i trll him "5 more minutesssss" he yawned "no i need to get up" i say he opens his eyes and quickly jumped up "oh! Sorry!" He yelled "its fine" i smile as my faces heat went down

He got up webt into his bathroom and soon came out dressed i got dressed as well we walked down stares and has dad was there "hey dad you off work?" He asked "ah yes but ill be leaving soon i have some errands to run" he sighed "oh alright" he smiled "how are you doing?" Jakes dad was smiling at me

"Im ok" i look away and smile he chuckled "oh hey jake could you also pick up your brother ill call you both out early to get him" i just watch as jake nods his head we were soon out the door and headed for school

"Hey sean" he says "i got an idea you wanna hear it?" Hake asks me "ya shoot" i respond "well i was thinking that me and Hailey did a duet insted of just me her voices is amazing!" He happily jumps up and down "well its a good idea but hailey wouldnt like the idea.."

"Why not?" He sighed "first its Hailey and were not almost a week away from the competition second Hailey has horrible stage fright" i told him he nodded "well i guess it doesn't hart to ask right?" He asks "Guess not i wouldn't push it though" "agreed" he smiled

-time skip to later in the day-

I yawned in class and look around bord soon the speaker came on "do you have Sean Everett in class?" It asked "yes" the teacher responded please "he may leave for the rest of they day" the speaker said "ok thank you" the teacher smiled

"Good bye sean" he said and continued to teach me and jake agreed to meet the the entrance so thats where i went. He was already there waiting "sean!" He said happily "i asked them about the duet it was a little ruff on the edges but they agreed!" he laughed

"Thats amazing jake" i chuckled 'hes cute when happy- ... God fuck no' i blush embarrassed "you ok?" He asked "yep im fine" he nodded

Word count 738

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