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A/n: i dont know a lot about court so please dont judge me on this im not 100% sure how it goes but i know a little bit ok thank you enjoy✨

Sean pov

The week went by fast and now here i am standing in a court room with the lawyer and my parents on the other side not even looking at me my leg was bouncing and jake was beside me everyone stood up as the judge walked in and sat when he did "order order" every was was quiet "thank you everyone we are all here today for Sean Everett accusing his parents miles everett and stacy Everett of abuse both sexual and physical correct mr. Everett?" He looked at me and i slightly panicked i sighed getting the nerves out

I stood and looked at him "yes sir" he nodded and i sat back down "thank you now mr. Arman (Michael/the lawyer) please start with your opening statement" the lawyer nodded stood up and walked to the front "may i bring out a bord sir?" The judge nodded and he grabbed a white bord and a projector "alright everyone i have a few pictures of some of the busies and scars on him from bear bottles and just plain fist punches" he flipped threw the pictures telling about each one in grate detail exactly how i told him

"some of these events were even when he was only 5 years old and still has the scars today" he went on "mr arman" the judge said "yes sir?" "At what age fid this start exactly?" He asked "at age 5 before them things seemed to be fine" he responded with no hesitation

Soon after he was done and sat back down next to me my parents lawyer was next and honestly did a horrible job at the evidence that im lying and did none of that i was nervous but now ok " would anyone like to call a witness to the stand?" The judge asked and are lawyer stood up "i would sir" the judge nodded and he walked back up to the front

"I would like to call the first person to ever know about this jake sterling" jake stood up and got in the witness stand "do you propose to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?" The judge asked "i do" he said. "Ok continue" the lawyer noded"jake tell me how and why did you know sean was in trouble?" The lawyer asked

"The first time is when he came to school with a bruse straight on his eye or at least close to his eye he clamed that he fell but it looked nothing like a fall it looked like a blut object hit him"

It went back and fourth for at least 3-4 hours we ended up winning my parents were put away locked in prison my mom 8 years and my father 14 it scared me how little time they had but i got 8 years of freedom so i guess that works

As we walked out of the court hall for the last time jake pulled me into a hug and kissed me i kissed him back smiling "i told you it would work out!" He was so happy we went back to his house and had a small party

We kissed watched movies and just generally had fun i felt so much more free with my parents in jail and i know it was for the best if they stay in there

A/n- hello sorry for the long ass wait but here it is i git lazy at the end and ended up not writing out the trials im very sorry but would you like a epilogue?

Word count: 601

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