one (old)

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Seans pov.

I walk into practice to see mily standing by her guitar i walk up closer and seen luke and zander talking near the drums Haliey is looking at her phone leaning on the wall i go to the computer and look at the new album as i notice jake walk in late ofcourse he walks in with daisy all my attention goes to her we have met once and shes nice but be didnt talk much Even though she stayed after school with me i watch as she walks by me and starts to talk

Daisy:hi sean!

Sean:H-hi daisy

I smile and look at my computer screen i have a bit of a blush but i dident really notice i know i liked hed but i dident want to get involved because jake liked her and even know her before me


my wrists start to hurt i quickly went to the bathroom with no excuse i could tell they were worried but i had to get out before i started crying that would make them worry more i realize i didnt clean the cuts after last night i find the bandages in my bag not thinking of being exposed and took off my gloves and rolled up my sleeve i take off the bandages and put on the new ones as i heard the door start to open i quickly get into a stall as i hear jake



Jake:sean i know your in here

Sean:oh hi jake

Jake:whats Going on?

I quickly put the rest of the bandages on and pull down my sleeve realizing i left my gloves out on the counter

Jake: are these yours?

Sean: y-yes

Jake: come on we got practice

Sean:go without me ill be out in a minute

Jake: ok but u have 10 minetes


I hear him walk out i slowly walk out to make sure he wasn't there i grab my fingerless gloves and start to walk back ignoring the pain because i dident clean them property

End of sad.

I walk in and everyone is having fun i see daisy and smile and intently regret it as she sees so does jake soon after everyone noticed i was back

Hailey:hey sean u ok?

Sean: ya i just went to the bathroom

I was acting confused...

Zander: can we practice the competition is soon

We practice till lunch then we went are separate ways as the day continued

(A/n hey guys there is no sean x daisy fanfics so i desited to make one hope you enjoyed byeeee)

Word count + A/n 419

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