three (old)

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After we talked jake left i dident tell him much but if made me feel better that i did talk to someone he offerd to atay with me as i dident tell him why i stayed but i refused he needed sleep but id be fine ive done this long enough to know i go to the music room after jake helped me clean my cuts and left i go to my computer and put on the new track for the competition i love this one it helps me clam down after something like that last time of of my friends found out thay dident take it lightly they bullyed me and made it worse but i know and hope jake is diffrent im cleaning and i hear the door open

Daisy:hi sean

Sean:hi what are you doing here

Daisy:i wanted to see if you were ok i seen you run to the bathroom what happend

Sean:hehe.... No im fine

I grab my arm were i cut

Daisy:whats wrong?


I was geting upset with myself i like daisy but i dont want to make enemys with my only friend who knows what ive done to myself i just want to not like her but i cant stop its hard to stop....



Daisy:are you sure your ok you zoned out-

Sean:im- im fine

I hear the door skeek open as jake walks in he can tell im upset and asked why daisy was here

Daisy:i wanted to see if sean was ok he ran off to the bathroom today

Jake:oh hes fine he just needed fo use it

Daisy:oh ok i have to go bye


The door shut

Jake:are you ok sean?

Sean:y-ya sorry you had to get involved

Jake:hey if you need me with that stuff so you wont cut again tell me call me text me ok?i just dont want you do do that to yourself

Sean:ok- why are you back?

Jake:i forgot my bag

Sean:oh ok are you leaving now?

Jake:ya unless you want help cleaning

Sean:no you should get some sleep ill be fine


Sean:no ill be fine go


Hey guys i might honestly make this a jake x sean- because of how this is goen xD so hope u enjoyed bye

Word count 385

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