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Sean pov.

I yawned as i woke up jake wasnt next to me and it was pitch black i heard footsteps i layed back down and heard jake talking "damn it ya of course so you can?" Jake possed "alright thank you .. Ya bye" jake sighed and i felt him get in bed with me he hugged me from behind and let out a breath i turned around and hugged him "what time is itt?" I asked in a deep tired voice

"Oh its 2:30 am" he said in a quiet voice "who were you talking to at 230 am??" I asked "are family lawyer i was asking about the court thing" he told me "oh alright" i hugged and soon fell back to sleep

The next morning i woke up and jake was one his phone talking again "ya ill have to wait till sea-" i got up and hugged him from behind "oh hi" he kissed me on the fore head "nevermind hes awake what time? Alright bye" jake said "who was that?" I asked him "it was zander were going to practice later because were so far behind"

He picked me up and sat one the bed with me on his lap i hugged him and put my head on his shoulder


i kiss his neck and i felt him get hard i smiled i lifted up and kissed him we started making out he flipped us around and put his hands up my shirt i moaned as his cold ish hands touched my stomach he left a hickey on my collar bone his hands went down to my pants "can i?" He asked and i nodded

he pulled my pants down and my boxers "i cant fuck you But i can suck you off" jake told me i nodded and he hissed my dick. "Mmn~" i moaned and he started Bobbing his head up and down i covered my mouth and he pulled my hand off "there not here go ahead" he said then got back to Bobbing his head "ahhh~" i grabbed the sheets and his hair "i-im ganna-" jake put a thumbs up and i came in his mouth

He swallowed it we were both panting "are you ok?" He asked me i nod "alright lets get dres-" "wait- can i- uh do that to you-?" I asked and he noded "sure if you want to" he got up and sat on the bed after he took his pants off

I let out a breath and Went down i fit it all in but i gaged "its ok you dont have to get it all" he said and i bobbed my head up and down gaging almost every time "fuck~" he moaned i slowly got used to it and stoped gaging allowing me to go faster "Ahhhh~ f-fuck~ mmmn~" he came and i swallowed we panted for a minute he grabbed my face and kissed me we started making out again

No more smut

I sighed and got up we need to get dressed he nodded and we grabbed clothes got dressed and made are way to zander and Haileys after practice we went back and fell asleep watching a movie

Word count 545

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