Chapter 20

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"So, let's gets this straight. You want me to shower with you so that I can study and shower at the same time?" He nodded. "And you want me to believe that shit?" He nodded again. "Are you kidding me?!"

He was still holding me up in his arms, not letting me go out of his embrace. It's not like I didn't try climbing down, every time I did, he'd took a step further towards the bathroom, and now we were just a step away from the bathroom door.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" He looked deep into my eyes and I forgot how to breathe.

"You like me...?" That was the first thing that came to my mind and he nodded to that.

"You're not messing with me right now, are you? Didn't you say that you are waiting for your girlfriend to come back?." I realized what I just said and looked down nervously.

Is it bad to bring up that topic?

Will he be mad?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard his voice. "I was waiting for her. But I guess you took over my heart... yet again."

My head shot up only to see his genuine smile. He wasn't lying. At least he didn't look like he was.

"I... I don't know what to say." I looked down.

He sat on my bed while seating me upon his lap. "You don't have to." He caressed my cheeks with one of his hands as the other one was already resting on my waist.

"It's all so unreal for me." I let out. "You said that your girlfriend was the Miss Right. Then why me? Why do you like me? I'm not perfect like her. I don't even have a sexy body to seduce you."

I saw him chuckle a bit before he palmed both sides of my cheeks to make me look up at him. "Yes, I know I've said that my girlfriend was The Miss Right. But you know what? You are MY Miss Right."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I was completely puzzled by his words. "What do you mean?"

"You are not perfect, Y/n and neither am I. Nobody in this world is perfect but that doesn't make them less special. You may not be the most perfect woman to exist, but you are perfect for me. You bring out the best of me and made me realize who I really am. But the real reason to why you are MY MISS RIGHT is... you are just you, Y/n."

A tear rolled down my eye, followed by a few more, and eventually, I started sobbing.

He pulled me in his arms while rubbing my back in a way that seemed very calming.

"I don't expect you to like me back. Because I know I've been nothing but a nightmare in your life. And now all I can do is give you my everything and love you unconditionally." He added.

I pulled back and wiped my tears. "I'm so sorry. It's all happening so fast that I have no words." I sniffed in between every other word.

"I think we both have some misunderstandings that we need to resolve as soon as possible." He suggested and I agreed. "So, ask me whatever question you have in your mind. I want us to let it all out."

I took a deep breath before asking, "Back then in school, when I confessed my feelings to you, why did you kiss me instead of giving back an answer? And then you just ran away?"

Namjoon shyly shrugged at the question before speaking up. "I was a very shy boy who didn't know how to express his feelings in the right way. I wanted to tell you that I liked you too but you looked so adorable at that time that I couldn't help but kiss you."

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