Chapter 3

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"So, you are telling me that your uncle wants me to be your secretary but you don't. However, you have no other option because your uncle kicked you out of your office and you can't get in until you bring me with you to meet your uncle?" I repeated what they explained to me, just to clarify if I heard it all correctly.

Soobin nodded whereas the arrogant man kept looking at his wristwatch every other second.

"You ruined my chance of getting this job just so you can save your stupid ass from your uncle??! DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THIS JOB WAS FOR ME??!!!" I yelled in frustration.

This job could have been the key to save my family from starving to death but now I've lost it because of this handsomely rude guy.

"Look here, you..." Namjoon paused.

"Y/n. Min Y/n."

His eyebrows jumped as his eyes grew big for a split second before getting back to its original feature, cold.

"Look here, Min Y/n. I don't want you to be my assistant either but I don't have any other choice." He continued. "Just meet my uncle and tell him that you don't want this either. I'm sure he won't force you to take the position."

I scoffed at his demand. "What about the job that I lost because of your stupidity? I ain't gonna get that back now, can I?" I raised an eyebrow, sarcasm spilling out with every word I spoke.

"I'll see if there is any job suitable for you. It will be difficult to find one that low, but I'll try." He simply said making me grit my teeth in anger.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down before I might literally choke him to death.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak poop."


Soobin pulled Namjoon away from me before he could speak any further.

"I'm sorry for his rude behavior, Miss. Please don't get mad. He really needs you." Soobin requested but Namjoon spoke up from behind.

"I Don't need her!"

I gave a look at Soobin and he mouthed a 'please' with his soft eyes. I sighed.


I was now sitting alone in front of an aged man, probably around his late 50s, who was supposedly Namjoon's Uncle.

He asked Namjoon and Soobin to leave the room as he wanted to talk to me in private.

Fiddling with my fingers, I sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry that you had to come here without your will." He spoke up as I looked at him in shock.

"How did you know that I don't want to be his assistant?"

He chuckled before speaking up again. "Soobin has told me what happened this morning. After hearing everything, it seemed that you don't care about Namjoon's position or look, and so... found him rude."

"You have no idea..." I said, making him break into laughter.

"I know you won't believe this but he wasn't always like this. There was a time when he used to be very polite and thoughtful about every little things around him."

I laughed at the old man's words. There's no way that poop mouth has spat any good words in his entire existence.

"You'll get to know him more if you work for him."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't want to. I can't stand arrogant people like him at all. I probably might beat his ass someday, which you obviously don't want, right?" I tried to be honest so that he won't get false hope.

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