Chapter 4

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Hoseok: HE SAID WHAT??!

You: Aish! Do you want me to go deaf?!

Hoseok: Opps~ sorry...
But why did he suddenly say that he'll drop you?

You: Well...



"I'm going to drop her home." Namjoon said.

"What?!" I got dumb-folded by his words but what he did next was the last thing I expected.

He picked me up bridal style while walking up to his car before opening the door and placing me on the passenger seat.

It all happened so fast that it took me quite a few minutes to process everything in my mind.

Did he just picked me up in his arms without my permission?!!!

He sat on the driver's seat and buckled his seat belt.


He slowly turned his head to look at me for a second before leaning closer to my face.

My pupils grew wide while my heart started to pound as if it would leap out of my chest anytime.

Why the hell am I feeling like this???

He drew the seatbelt over me, not leaving his eyes from mine as all I did was stare at him while he secured the belt at the other side of the seat.

My eyes never left his actions, until he settled back into his seat and started the engine of the car.

I looked away, outside the window, flustered by his little action but that was only until he spoke up again, making me regret to even had felt like that towards him.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You're not that worthy of my attention."

I scoffed. "I would prefer a Crab's attention over yours." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, they are cute..." He mumbled but I heard it.

Did he really just say that crabs are cute??

"Why did you agree to take the job?" He asked, changing the topic and focusing on the road as he started driving the car.

"I need money and to earn that, I need a job." I stated. "And since you already took that opportunity from me, taking this position was the only option I had." I partially lied.

It was true that I needed a job, but it was also true that I agreed to this because I didn't want to hurt his uncle who had hoped that Namjoon would become a better person with my help.

However, I have no idea how's that gonna happen though.

I mean... why me? There must be plenty of girls out there who would be willing to do this job. So, why does he think that only I can make it happen?

"You wanna go to my house?" He asked with a smirk as he raised an eyebrow.

"Why the fuck would I go to your house?" I looked at him, disgusted by whatever he was indicating.

"Then get off from my car and go in inside."

I was so engraved in my thoughts that I didn't notice that he has stopped his car outside my house.

"I-I'm sorry." I bowed a little, not realizing that I just apologized to him for no particular reason.

His face changed into an expression that I didn't understand at all. I decided to ignored it and got off the car after unlocking the seatbelt.

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