Chapter 25

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"Have a seat." Namjoon pointed at the particular chair in front of him while Sana nodded her head before sitting down on it.

We were now at the restaurant which was a bit far from the company since Sana asked us to meet there instead.

I ordered some light dishes for us before noticing how Sana nervously bit on her lips until Namjoon spoke up.

"How have you been?" He asked her.

"F-Fine..." She stuttered a bit before quickly looking down at her lap.

"Y/n informed me everything that you said to her, about Mr. Lee. Is there anything else you know about him or his plans?" Namjoon spoke like he was here to talk only business and nothing personal.

His words were straight forward as if he was trying to neglect touching any personal topic.

His body seemed stiffer than usual so I placed my hand on his seemingly trembling ones which were on his lap.

He instantly glanced at me when I grasped his hand, intertwining my fingers with his to let him remember that he is not facing anything alone.

A smile formed on his face while he tightened the grip on my hand.

"I've heard..." She paused until she gained our attention back, "there is a spy in your company who is providing Mr. Lee with every single detail that's happening in there."

My mouth fell open after hearing that.

"And where did you get this information from?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow, questioning the certainty of her words.

"My dad is the Vice Chairman of Lee Industries." She responded. "I overheard him talking about all these things. But it wasn't his original plan. He, firstly, wanted me to marry you Namjoon. That's the reason why I ran away."

Namjoon and I looked at her with widened eyes before looking at each other and back to her.

"And I didn't wanna marry you.." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I like someone else."

That makes sense now. I would have run away too if my father had forced me to marry someone I don't love. But fortunately, my father isn't like that.

And if I'm not wrong, the guy Sana like is-


Now it was her eyes that grew wide when Namjoon muttered.

"You like Jung Hoseok, don't you?"

Sana looked down with her cheeks flushed red which quite gave us her answer.

"Back then, at school, I was really jealous of you Y/n. The only boy I genuinely liked, rejected me and chose to be your best friend instead." She spoke in a soft voice.

I still couldn't get used to her being this gentle.

"I feel so awful for acting like trash and taking Namjoon from you. I'm so sorry... both of you." She lowered her head. "I like Namjoon but not in a way that I can accept him as my husband. Since my father saw his success that he earned with his hard work, he planned to make me marry Namjoon for the sake of his benefit." She added.

"I was too much ashamed of the fact that my father was involved in it. So, I didn't tell you guys about this earlier. But now I can't let him do his dirty works anymore." We nodded, gradually understanding where she was coming from.

Namjoon was silent. Not a single word left his mouth after hearing her explanation. So, I decided to speak up instead.

"What you did to us was ridiculously foolish, Sana." She looked down again but the glimpse of her eyes showed genuine guilt. "But it's still not late to change for good and follow your heart." I smiled causing her to look at me with a soft smile.

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