Chapter 24

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(Grab some hobi water and tissue papers; you gonna need those in this chapter 👀💦)


"Y/n... you're not wearing anything underneath, are you?" His voice was now audibly low and deep.

I smirked as an idea popped inside my mind. I innocently shook my head as he inhaled a sharp breath.

His hands traveled down to my hips before squeezing them a bit while I hissed at the sensation.

"Fuck! You're not even wearing anything down there!" He placed me back on my side of the bed and brought his hands over his face, covering it with his palms.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. The idea of you being naked underneath is just making me so turned on right now. I can't help myself but imagine marking you all over your body, making you scream my name while I make love to you- urgh!" He was breathing heavily while scolding himself for thinking about such sinful things.

"I would like to experience everything you have in your mind, Mr. Kim Namjoon."

And in a split of a second, I was pinned down with my hands above my head as he hovered over me.

"Don't say such things, darling. You might not be able to walk for the rest of the week." He rubbed the corner of my lips.

I was getting impatient with every second passing by and him being there was not helping me at all.

Fuck it!.

"I don't care. Just ruin me tonight."

He smirked and sat back on the bed, pulling me over his lap. "I want you to ride my thigh until you're soaking wet for me, baby."

I was never engaged in any sexual activity in my entire life but I've read enough about it to know how it's done.

Adjusting myself on his right thigh, I started moving to and fro, making sure he could feel me rubbing over his muscle.

Soft moans kept escaping my mouth while he licked his lips, eyeing each and every move of mine. I could feel his pants getting soaked in my liquid while I felt some friction down there.

"Good girl." He said and pinned me down again. He took off his shirt before tearing mine apart, without a warning.

I quickly covered my chest, feeling extremely shy exposing so much of my bare skin for the first time in front of him.

"Don't hide yourself, baby, you're beautiful." He said and took my hands on his, giving each of them a short kiss.

Just when I thought he was being cute, he slipped two fingers inside my mouth, "Suck them." He ordered and I obeyed, without daring to ask any questions.

He attached his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses as well as bite marks all over my collar bone area.

He parted to adjusted the blanket over us with his other hand and covered ourselves before he withdrew his fingers from my mouth and slid them inside my womanhood.

My back arched when he started shoving his fingers in and out, curling his fingers inside from time to time.

"Fuck, Y/n... You're so tight!"

The room filled with my moans as he knew exactly how to send me to paradise.

"Feels good?" He asked to which I could only nod as a response.

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