Chapter 12

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Shit shit shit.

I ran up to my classroom, knowing that I was late to school again for the third time this week.

Pushing the door open, I quickly bowed at the teacher and thankfully, she let me in without any scolding. I walked up to my seat but saw an unfamiliar figure sitting there.

Frowning, I looked back at the teacher for an explanation but she just me to sit beside him.

"Okay students, I'm gonna give your test papers back. Go through it and analyze your mistakes." Our teacher said before she started calling out our names one by one.


I turned to look at the owner of the voice, only to see the unknown kid smiling at me.

"Hey..." I greeted back with a light smile.

"I just transferred here today. My name is Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you." He said.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm-."

"Min Y/n!" The teacher called my name and I excused myself before going to collect my test paper.

"Why aren't you improving your mathematics, child?" The teacher asked politely, handing me my test papers. "You do great in other subjects but you barely manage to pass in maths."

"It's not like I don't want to improve Mrs. Lee. I just find it very difficult to understand the equations." I explained about my issue of understanding the problems as she sighed a long breath.

"If you need any help from my side, please let me know. But I want good scores in the next exam, okay?" She smiled.

I nodded and smiled back before returning to my seat. Sighing, I stared at the red scribblings and the not-so-favorable marks on my test paper.

"Did you fail?" Hoseok asked looking at me sulking on my seat.

"No, but I barely passed." I answered.

"Hey, cheer up! It's just a test."

I guess he is right...

"Do you want to study together later after school? We can go to the library and I can tell you about the school." I asked him as I felt that he could be a nice friend.

"Sounds great!" He chimed.


After school, we went to the library but soon had to leave and go to a park to talk as we were too loud to sit in the library.

We couldn't help but laugh hysterically while walking around the small park remembering how we practically got kicked out as we shared a few things about ourselves along the way.

Since Hoseok was not very familiar with our school, I told him about the events, trips, teachers, students, and also the fact that I felt kinda bored until I met him.

I also warned him about the over-dramatic bitchy girls of our schools, who just seek attention from boys only to date them but honestly uses them for money.

Hoseok looked uncomfortable after hearing that but I assured him that I'll protect him from those girls.

He just laughed, not believing my words so I told him about my heroic step when I saved my senior, Kim Seokjin from those brainless human-snakes.

He probably didn't believe me after hearing that too but he promised to be there if anyone tries to harm me.

We became best friends in no time but my maths was still needed to improve.

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