Chapter 23

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"Cute and innocent, huh?"

He said, leaning further to get to my level as my breath hitched to the back of my throat and I forgot how to breathe normally.

"Why don't you test that tonight, baby?" He added.

"Hahaha... What do you mean? I know you are innocent. No need to prove anything else. Hahaha..." I nervously laughed, trying to get out of his trap but he only came closer, causing his warm breath to fall upon my lips.

Sir, you better back off right now or I might end up kissing the soul out of you.

I wanted to say this but I decided to keep my mouth shut instead.

He booped my nose with his before planting a peck on my forehead.

My cheeks instantly warmed up and I was damn sure that it had turned pretty red as well.

"I'm not gonna kiss you until you want me to." He backed away with a smile. "Now, what to do about our dinner?"

I wanna have you for dinner-

Shut up! you horny ass brain!


"Namjoon, can you cut the onions lengthwise?" I asked as I was cutting the Kimchi and preparing other ingredients for the Kimchi stew.

"Yeah, sure." He said and grabbed the onion before starting to peel its outer layer. Placing the peeled onion on the cutting board, he angled the knife over it to cut it into two pieces.

He was doing fine so far until he started slicing the onion by placing its curved surface against the board.

"Aish, you're gonna cut your fingers  this way." I chucked and showed him how to cut it.

"Ahh~... Okay, okay!" He took the other portion of the onion and started chopping while keeping the flat surface on the board this time.

The slices were a bit bigger than it should have been but at least he was trying.

"Thank you, Namjoon." I smiled and took the chopped pieces while I started preparing the water before setting it to boil.

I felt a pair of arms grabbing my abdomen and realized that Namjoon was back hugging me.

I internally gasped when he set his chin on my shoulder and tightened the grip around my body.

"Namjoon..." I called out but in a low voice.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response.

My heart started racing so fast that I was able to hear it in my ear. But what surprised me more was that I could feel his heartbeats as well which were of no lesser pace than mine.

"Can we stay like this for a bit longer?" I asked.

He lifted his chin to look at me with widened eyes while I just looked down with a visible blush on my cheeks.

"As much longer as you want, love." He settled back on my shoulder and kept his words. He didn't move much while I made the stew.

To be honest, it was quite difficult to cook like that but who cares? I liked being in his embrace.

We completed having dinner in silence but it wasn't awkward at all. We just enjoyed having the food.

After dinner, I grabbed my belongings before turning at him.

"I'll be leaving now. See you tomorrow in your office." I said with a smile and turned around to leave but a grip on my wrist pulled me back. And the next thing I knew was my face resting against his chest.

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