Chapter 17

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"Why am I doing this again?" I mumbled to myself before sighing.

Last night, I couldn't sleep well at all since I couldn't help but interpret my decision of rejecting Namjoon's invitation. He said it was fine but his face showed otherwise.

And so, I ended up coming to his house, early in the morning.

Thinking for about a million times now, I pressed the doorbell and waited for somebody to open the door. Not long after, a sleepy-looking Namjoon revealed himself as he opened the door.

His eyes grew wide when he saw me standing outside.

"Y/n? What are you doing here at this time? It's freaking 5 AM!"

Exactly!... What the hell am I doing here at this time???!!!

I bit my lower lip, scolding myself under my breath when a cold breeze passed by making me shudder in cold.

"Aish... This woman..." He pulled me inside by my wrist and closed the door behind.

"I felt bad for not accepting to be you on your birthday..." I trailed off at the end, thinking that it sounded like a stupid excuse but then I heard him chuckle.

"You thought that I would be sad, so you came here early in the morning. Am I right?" I looked away while nodding.

"So, you weren't sad about it?" I asked.

"I was... But not now." He grinned.

Damn. It's going to be a long day...

"By the way, Happy birthday." I drew my hand forward for a handshake but he just raised an eyebrow.

"Only a handshake?" He asked, taking my hand eventually.

"Yeah~ What else do you want?"

"How about some hugs and cuddles?"

"How about some punches on your pretty face?" I questioned back while smirking.

"You think my face is pretty?"


I walked away to sit on the couch as I got embarrassed. "No." I responded but heard him chuckle.

"I'll go and take a shower. Make yourself comfortable." He said and went upstairs.

My cheeks felt hot as I was practically blushing while I remembered his figure in only a towel when I last visited his house.

I stuffed my face in a nearby pillow, trying to erase the memory but I felt I was getting turned on instead.

I shook my head and stood up to find the kitchen. While deciding to cook a delicious breakfast for him since it's his birthday, I got an idea to make the day more memorable for him.

About 20 minutes later, my cooking was almost done when I felt a presence behind me.

Namjoon leaned forward from over my shoulder as I gulped before turning to look at him.

"What are you making?" He asked.

"What are you making?" He asked

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