Chapter 26

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*Y/N's POV*

Nope... This won't do...

I can't just sit here doing nothing about it.

I'll have to do something asap.

Come on, Y/n, it's time for some action!


Parking the scooter at a distance, I carefully walked towards the main gate only to find some increased amount of guards suited in black, outside the gate.

Damn it!

I'll have to find another way to sneak in.

Looking around to find an opening, I noticed the sidewall that was lower enough to climb and jump over to the other side but the other guards were on round around there as well.

Somehow, I managed to get away from their eyes and climbed over.

Don't ask me how I did it because I don't know that myself.

I guess my willpower worked to its fullest at that time.

Anyway, I safely landed on my legs and thankfully not on my butt which I was anticipating quite a lot.

Dusting my clothes with both of my hands, I walked towards the main door of the house but froze on my spot when I heard a voice calling my name.


I shot my head back and saw Sana looking at me with a slight confusion over her face.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked while gulping on my saliva as I felt my throat getting dried out of nervousness.

"I heard what Mr. Lee said in his press conference this morning, so I came here to ask Namjoon if he thought of reporting Mr. Lee for such an act." She reasoned. "I went to his office but Soobin told me that I'll find Namjoon here, in his house."

I mouthed an 'Oh' while nodding a bit.

"So, shall we go inside?"

"No!" I almost shouted. "I mean... We are not allowed inside."

"But the guards let me in."

"They did?"

She nodded.

"But why didn't I see you entering from the gate-"

"I guess we should go in then." I cut her off, walking away towards the door.

We rang the bell and waited for him to respond but someone else spoke through the small speaker that was installed outside.

"Who is it?" That person asked and I could swear it sounded like Hoseok.

"Uhh... Hoseok, is that you?" Sana questioned him with a frown.

"Sana? What are you doing here?"


"I was worried after hearing the news, so I came here to check up on Namjoon." She briefed. "Y/n is here too."

"She is here with you?!" And finally, Namjoon's voice was heard.

"Yes, I'm here. Now can we come inside?" I asked.


How dare he reject me so coldly!?!

"What do you mean 'no'?"

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