Chapter 13

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"I forgot my keys inside my room." I bit my lower lip.

"It's okay. You can sleep here for the night. We'll ask the reception for a spare key tomorrow, in the morning." He said, politely, which I didn't quite expect since I know how much he likes personal space.

Not to talk about the awkward moment we just shared a few minutes ago...

I realized that I was sleeping on his lap which got me really flustered but he didn't seem to mind though.

Having to see my past as a dream was not less than a nightmare, to be honest. However, I felt that Namjoon's face resembled someone's when I first met him on the road where he needed a lift to his office but I shook the thought off my mind later as I got used to seeing him almost every day.

Speaking about the first day of my job, I can't believe I had to bring my drunk boss to my house in the middle of the night.

And that reminds me...

"I don't think I can fall asleep now. Can you stay up all night with me?" I asked.


"Tell me why I agree to do this again?" He sighed while pouting cutely and I couldn't help but smile.

"Come on! It's just a game~"

"You can use this time to study, you know..." He raised his eyebrow.

"Are you playing or not?!"

"Fine! What do you wanna play?".

"Umm... Since we don't know much about each other, how about we ask each other some questions taking turns? One question at a time." I assumed he would reject it immediately but he thought for a while and then eventually agreed.

"Then I'm gonna start first!" He demanded.


"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Do you have a boyfriend?" He repeated the question but this time a bit steadily.

"N-No..." I answered but for some unknown reason, Namjoon smiled.

It was very light but I can bet on my life that he did smile.

"My turn!" I chimed. "Do you remember what you did on the night when you got drunk at the bar?"

He choked on the air.

"Y-yeah... I remember." He coughed in awkwardness while looking away.

"Then why didn't you-"

"One question at a time!.." He reminded me.

"Ugh!.. okay!"

"I wanted to ask you this for a while." He said before asking as it was now his turn. "Why did you join my company if you were not willing to? I know you said that you needed money but your father is a chef, right?. Then what was the problem that you had to risk your studies?"

I couldn't believe that he thought about my life so deeply. I didn't even expect that I ever crossed his mind. And now that I got to know, it made my heartbeat go crazy.

I tried my best not to blush but I guess I failed as I could feel my cheeks burn.

"Actually, my father lost his job a few months ago. He got betrayed by his boss who was his close friend and he couldn't find any other job since then." I explained and smiled weakly but Namjoon's face dropped in gloom.

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