Chapter 27

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Today was Seokjin's wedding which was being held here in Seoul.

Since Sana was invited too, we both went shopping yesterday and bought ourselves beautiful dresses to wear at the ceremony.

We arrived at the wedding venue which was a huge hall where we mostly found unknown faces everywhere. But then we spotted the bride near the stage, so we went up to her.

"Congratulations!~" We said and gave her the bouquet of flowers that we brought for her.

"Thank you~" She chimed while pulling me into a hug before repeating the same with Sana. "Where are the boys?"

Sana and I looked at each other before looking back at the bride saying that we don't know either.

Where are they?

When I was about to call Namjoon to ask, someone on the stage grabbed our attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?... Thank you." Soobin spoke through the mic. "On this day of his wedding, the groom would like to speak with y'all. Can we have a round of applause?"

Everyone started clapping for Kim Seokjin who then came into the spotlight.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming here to be a part of the happiest day of my life. I have some special guests who would like to perform a little something to make this day more memorable for me and everyone here. So, now, I would like them to come on the stage and make me a part of their showcase."

All the people present in the hall, including us, clapped in anticipation of whatever they were going to show us in a few minutes.

I saw the boys coming up on the stage with microphones in each of their hands. They were looking fine as hell.

My eyes met Namjoon's and he smiled with a blush on his cheeks.


And you know who else was blushing?


I followed his gaze and found Sana clapping her hands with excitement which made me chuckle at her cluelessness.

"Hello, I'm Kim Namjoon. Many of you may know me but for those who don't, I'm the CEO of KNJ Cosmetics. Right now, I'm very nervous but also excited to show you what we have prepared."

Namjoon gestured to others to introduce themselves as well and that's what they did after almost arguing on who would go first.

We laughed at their chaotic but cute nature and applauded them as the room went a bit dark and music started playing through the hall.

(Read the trans and watch till the end💜)

We cheered for their wonderful performance and I have to say that I fell in love with Namjoon all over again.

"Y/n..." My head shot up at the voice that spoke through the mic. "Thank you for being by my side. You gave me the best of me, my love."

My cheeks turned dark red and I hid my face with my hands. I never expected him to say such things in front of everyone-


I looked around and saw many reporters rushing towards him to ask about "Y/n" whom he just mentioned.

He climbed down from the stage and came to me, the reporters following him. "Will you come up on stage with me?" He asked, holding my hand.

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