Chapter 9

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"Should I drive?" I asked, seriously afraid of the ultimate power Namjoon possesses. The power of destruction.

The car he was driving was almost about to collapse by his clumsiness but somehow managed to drag it to the airport. I couldn't even count how many times I've begged for my life throughout the drive.

Now that we have safely arrived at Jeju Island, he wants to drive this car, provided by the person who invited us, to the particular resort where the engagement will be held.

"No. I'll drive." Namjoon replied, getting inside the car. I sighed, giving up before getting inside as well.

I'm gonna die today...

"They should have provided with a driver too." I mumbled and he heard it.

"They did." He replied. "But I wanted to drive, so I refused the driver to come along."

I gave him done looks but he focused on his driving ignoring my stares.

It was 2.30 am in the night and the road was quite vacant. It didn't feel creepy but the weather was kinda chilly. So I closed the windshield and rubbed my palms to warm my now cold hands.

I saw Namjoon closing his side of the windshield too before taking off his jacket and placing it on my lap.

"You should have worn something warmer."

My cheeks turned hot as my heart skipped a few beats. I looked away, not wanting to show my flustered face to him.

I covered my upper body with his huge but warm jacket, which had a woody as well as a caramelly smell that gave out nothing but comfort.

Would he smell the same if I hug him?

I glanced at him as he drove through the not-so-wide path when suddenly the car stopped moving. I snapped out of my stare and looked around to see if we already reached the resort but unfortunately, we haven't.

There was not a single house, not even a human being to be seen anywhere around us.

"Why did you stop driving?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Umm... We may or may not have a little problem..."



"Yeah... Okay... Alright. Please send it as soon as possible." Namjoon was speaking on his phone, outside the car before coming back inside.

"They said they are going to send another car but it will take some time for it to reach here." Namjoon explained, making me sigh again.

"What are we gonna do till then?" I asked as I was already getting bored through the drive and now this situation just leveled it up.

"I'm gonna read my book. Ahh, I miss reading so much." He took out a book from his bag and started reading.

I just looked at him for a few seconds and pouted as I found it more boring to be in such a silent atmosphere.

But then, an idea popped into my mind.

Grinning cheekily, I unlocked my phone and opened my favorite songs' playlist before clicking on that one song I've been jamming these days.

I'm gonna take my horse
to the old town road
I'm gonna ride~~
till I can't no more.
I'm gonna take my horse
to the old town road
I'm gonna ride~~
till I can't no more..."

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