Chapter 18

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Yoongi oppa and Seokjin seonbae prepared lunch for us which we all ate enjoyably before going to do the dishes.

Taehyung volunteered saying he can do it alone but I insisted on helping him since I felt it won't be fair to let him do the whole thing by himself.

We kept throwing water on each other, playfully, until a particle of foam went into my eyes. Taehyung quickly cleaned his hands to check up on me when Namjoon entered the kitchen and ran up to me.

"Are you alright? Does it sting?" He asked in a voice that hinted worry.

Was he watching us secretly?

I nodded anyway, deciding to ignore it before removing my gloves and splashing my eyes with some clean water. People say it helps to reduce the stinging sensation.

"I'll take her to her room." Namjoon said, looking at the other boy.

"Sure, hyung. I can do the rest." Taehyung replied.

Namjoon took me to the room Yoongi oppa had provided me along with other rooms for the rest of the crowd.

I sat on the bed, releasing a long breath that I didn't know I was holding until now before lying flat on the bed.

"Tired?" Namjoon asked with a chuckle.

"A little." I said.

"Does it still sting?"

I shook my head, understanding that he was referring to my eyes.

"You know you didn't have to do all these. A simple birthday gift would have been enough. Actually, I don't even need a gift to make my birthday special." Namjoon continued as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Oh really?" He nodded. "Then what is your definition of a special birthday?"


I sprung up, sitting straight before looking at him in confusion. "What?"

"You guys, I mean. I'm happy to spend my day with y'all."

Of course, he meant all of us!

Get your brain straight, Y/n!

Stop expecting things that are impossible!!

"Thank you for doing all these for me." He added with a smile.

"Am I interrupting something?" We didn't realize that Yoongi was standing at the door until he spoke up.

"Of course not, oppa. Come in." I chimed.

"Can I talk to you in private?" He asked me. Namjoon quickly left the room after nodding.

"How are you doing little sis?"

"Great, oppa." I smiled but I lied. I can't just say that I'm purposely hurting myself, now can I?

"You like him, don't you?" He raised an eyebrow.

He caught me off guard, so I nervously laughed before asking, "What are you talking about?"

"Namjoon is the one you work for, right? And it seems you like him a lot."

I looked away shyly. "Yeah."

"Does he know?" He asked to which I shook my head.

"Why don't you tell him?"

"Because his love belongs to someone else, oppa." I bit my lip as I felt a stiff lump forming inside my throat.

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