Chapter 15

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*Y/N's POV*

The next day, morning, I packed my belongings back into my bag as the returning flight was in just a few hours.

Yesterday, when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, I noticed that I lost one of my earrings.

I woke up early in the morning and searched for it in all the places I went wearing those earrings. Everywhere, except Namjoon's room.

So, I had to contact Seokjin and tell him about the earring. He said he'll ask someone to look for it and will let me know if he finds it.

I was now all ready to leave the room but someone knocked on my door. I opened to see Taehyung grinning as he waved his hand while chiming a 'Hi'.

A chuckle left my mouth as I greeted him back before letting him in.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

I responded with a 'yes' and started picking up my bags which seemed light to carry at first but was extremely heavy.

"Aish... Let me carry." He said and took the heaviest bag, letting me carry the lighter one. "Let's go."

I didn't fight back because I knew my hands would fall off after walking a few steps further with such a load.

We went halfway down the hallway and stopped when we saw Namjoon standing with his luggage at a few distances. He looked like he was waiting for someone.

I gulped, feeling my heartbeats speeding up every second as I looked at him.

I didn't think of the fact that I came here with Namjoon and I would have to go back with him too.

I can survive the flight but how am I gonna survive the car ride?

Taehyung glanced at me and then back at him before suddenly starting to laugh for no particular reason to my knowledge.

Namjoon's attention turned towards us but frowned his eyebrows immediately.

I nudged Taehyung's arm. "Why are you laughing?" I whispered.

"I'm just happy that I am able to spend more time with you, Y/n." He answered, a bit louder than he should have which made me look at him with confusion but I smiled anyway.

"Aww, you're so cute." He scrunched his nose, playfully, as if I was a kid.

" He scrunched his nose, playfully, as if I was a kid

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What's wrong with him?

I giggled at his cuteness but soon our attention diverted to a grumpy Namjoon who just left the area while stomping his feet.

We went out of the building as well and saw that there was only one big car out there.

Did Namjoon leave already? without me?

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