Chapter 8

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I woke up from my nap which I didn't realize I took while sitting in my office but soon got startled by the pile of files on my desk.

Examining the files, I found out that these were kept by Y/n, and to my disbelief, it was all sorted out perfectly, just the way I told her to do.

I noticed that there was also a cup of cold coffee on the table with a sticky note stuck on the cup.

"Don't take too much stress. Drink this and cool down your mind."


"Yes, sir?" Soobin came in as I called him to ask about the files and the coffee.

"Did you kept this coffee on my table?" I asked him pointing at the cup.

"No, sir. But I think Miss Y/n did." He answered. "She asked me to get three cups of cold coffee but I didn't know who was the third cup for. Maybe it was for Mr. Park."

"Why would she suddenly offer coffee to Park Jimin?" I frowned.

"Well, I don't see any reason not to." He shrugged his shoulders. "He is handsome, smart, more friendly than you. He even respects her, unlike someone." He eyed me and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't ask for the details." I stated.

"Anyways, I saw him helping her in her work that you assigned. So, I guess that they have become more close now." He replied.


"More like, HE offered his help."

"Aish! I can't believe this woman-!!"


*Y/N's POV*

While I was busy sorting the papers in the office with Jimin, I found a file that doesn't seem to fit in with the others. It didn't even have a label like the other ones.

I scanned through the pages of the file, only to find the names of hundreds of different health and education foundations in South Korea whom Namjoon appeared to have donated millions of won to, for the last three years.

I have been researching about Namjoon's work and activities for the past few days just to understand the job better but none of the articles or news mentioned anything about these donations.

Was he doing this secretly?

But why?

I felt like I have a lot to know about Namjoon and his other side which was a lot more humble and considerate.

This made me remember what Namjoon's Uncle said about Namjoon having a much softer personality when he was younger.

I took pictures of the pages, just in case if I need them in the future before closing it and going to namjoon's office.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw him sleeping peacefully on his chair.

He works so hard for this company...

Slowly putting the file at the side of the desk, I crept out of the room and asked Soobin to get 3 cold coffees, once we finished sorting the files. I took a sticky note and scribbled on it before sticking it on the surface of the cup.

Grinning, I placed it on Namjoon's desk along with the pile of files.

"I'm looking forward to getting to know you more." I mumbled.

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