Chapter 11

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Putting on an off-shouldered white dress, I styled my hair, letting it freely fall over my shoulders, and did my makeup.

Putting on an off-shouldered white dress, I styled my hair, letting it freely fall over my shoulders, and did my makeup

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I took a final look at the mirror and left my room. But since my life always took me as a joke, I met with Namjoon right outside my room as he, too, came out of his room at that time.

He froze on his spot when he looked at me before practically started checking me out.

Ignoring his looks, I started walking away, trying not to be obvious about the fact that his gazes were kinda intimidating me but before I could walk a step further, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"Can we talk for a minute?"

"What do you want to say now? That I look sexy?" I raised an eyebrow sarcastically.

"Well, you ARE looking sexy but that's not what I wanna talk about."

I tried my best not to smile at his compliment so, I scoffed instead. "Then what is it?" I asked.

"I-I'm sorry about what happened earlier in your room. I shouldn't have acted like a fool." He apologized.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have."

"I'm really sorry. Can I make it up to you somehow?"

"I don't think it will be a good-" I said but then thought.

This could be my chance to know him better and understand why he changes his personality as often as he changes his earpods.

"You know what? I think you can do one thing." I smirked.


We entered the huge hall where there were big tables arranged all over the place for the banquet.

We entered the huge hall where there were big tables arranged all over the place for the banquet

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This was arranged mainly to help all the guests to know each other and improve their relations.

Namjoon walked towards a group of people who looked like some really big business tycoons as I followed him from behind. However, I felt like I was not properly dressed, at least not like those elegantly dressed women who came with the other businessmen.

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