Chapter 2

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I ran inside the building as people greeted me, whom I ignored as I needed to get to the interview hall as soon as possible.

I slammed open the big door while everyone's eyes shot up at me before bowing but I ignored them too. I looked around to find my uncle on the director's seat, smiling at me as I approached him.

"Uncle, what are you up to, now?" I asked.

"What?~ I am appointing a new secretary for you..." He said, folding his arms against his chest.

"Didn't I say that I don't need one?" My voice formed a straight tone as it triggered a memory that still hurts me. "I already have Soobin."

Thankfully, Soobin entered the hall at the same time.

"Namjoon, look at him. He was just your personal driver but you forcefully made him your secretary as well." Uncle got up from his seat and pulled Soobin in front of me.

"Look at his face. Look how tired he is~" Uncle pointed at him and he formed an artificial sad face making me roll my eyes.

"You are getting a Secretary by yourself, otherwise, I'm about to appoint one right now!" My uncle stated as he sat on his seat, ready to call another candidate for the interview.

I scoffed but was honestly tensed from inside even though I knew that no one can replace her.

She was the best. Best at everything.

She was my 'Miss Right'.

"Can't there be a single person who can handle this idiot?!" Uncle sighed as he sent off the last candidate as well.

I snickered as I decided to tell him that he should stop looking for a perfect assistant because the one who was perfect for me has left me quite a while ago. But before I could answer him, Soobin spoke up.

"Well, there is one..." His answer caught my Uncle's attention whereas, I was confused as fuck. Who is he talking about?

"Really? Who??" Uncle asked.

"Yah! Who are you talking about?!" I asked Soobin.

He smiled. "The girl we met an hour ago."

"WHAT?! THAT RUDE GIRL?!" I yelled.

"You met a girl?" Uncle asked with so much excitement that I could literally see stars twinkling in his eyes.

"Girl?" I scoffed. "How can she be a girl if she doesn't get affected by my looks and doesn't even know who I am." I rolled my eyes again.

"She doesn't know who you are?"

"Yes, uncle." Soobin's voice chimed as he replied. "And she doesn't even seem to care."

"Stop talking about her, or else I'll leave." I warned but they shamelessly ignored me.

"You know uncle, she gave him a lift in her scooter to reach here. At first, she got really angry by his attitude, but then she managed to make him sit on the back seat of her scooter." Soobin explained everything that happened earlier and Uncle seemed to have gotten quite amused by her actions.

"Whatever, she can't be my personal assistant and that's it." I simply stated, folding my arms up to my chest.

"Why?" Uncle raised an eyebrow.

"Umm..." I trailed off thinking of an excuse.

I can't tell him that I don't want any other girl to be my assistant or else he would start a straight 5-hour lecture on how powerful and intelligent a woman can be.

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