Chapter Twenty | Threesome Ending

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You were walking along a grassy path. Birds chirped while squirrels scurried across the dirt path.

"Hey Y/N!" Sabito rushed to catch up to you.

"Oh hey Sabito, how are you?" Smiling, you greeted him.

"Good, you?"

"I'm doing great," Y/N answered as you kept walking.

Silence covered you and Sabito like a blanket. "So.." You whistled. "Do you have any upcoming missions?"

"Hm. No, you?"

"No, I didn't get one -" Before you were able to finish your sentence, your raven landed on your stretched out arm.

"Mission at the mountains! Mission at the mountains! Fellow Demon Slayers are in desperate need of help!" The raven informed loudly.

Serious, you nodded. "Got it." Your pace quickened, the direction you went was your home.

Feeling something grab your wrist, you looked back in surprise. The thing that grabbed your wrist was a hand, Sabito's hand to be exact.

"I'll come too."


"I'll come too." Sabito repeated.

"Why? I'll be fine on my own." You frowned. "I'm not weak."

"I just want to tag along."

"This is a mission Sabito, I can't just let you tag along without permission." Sighing, you turned away to avoid Sabito's hurt gaze.

The mountains were far, taking at least a day to arrive. The eerie silence made you shiver with unease. You hated when you fear silence. It was dark, owls hooted while small animals scurried across your path.

"What are you doing here?" Startled, you turned around in a defensive stance. It was Giyuū.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm here because of a mission."

"Same." The two of you walked in silence. Unspoken words were between you and him.

He took a deep breath and started to say something before getting interrupted by a flock of crows screeching in the distance. It was unusual for them to be startled this late at night. Someone must be in trouble.

When you looked at your side to tell him something, he was already gone. You let out a groan before dashing over.

An abandoned cabin was filled with cobwebs. Big cobwebs. Bigger than usual. You glanced up to see a human, no demon, with a spider body. "Bleh gross." You muttered to yourself. Before you were able to move a single muscle, lightning flashed before your eyes. A young boy, with bright yellow hair, cut the demon's head off within a millisecond. Impressive, you thought.

The boy blinked once, then twice before falling on the roof of the cabin, exhausted. You jumped on a tree and dropped onto the roof of the cabin. "Are you alright?...Oh." Poison was rapidly spreading over the poor young boy's body.

"Is he alright?" Shinobu's voice sounded behind you. She was calm and collected, but her aura was different. It carried hatred and pain.

"He defeated a demon himself, but got poisoned in the process."

"I have the antidote for this. Let me handle him." said Shinobu.

Knowing that Shinobu could protect herself, you hesitantly nodded. After a moment of staring at Kanae's younger sister, you finally realized something. She was wearing Kanae's kimono on top of the Demon Slayer Corps uniform. The corners of your lips slightly lifted into a gentle smile. You wondered that if your siblings were alive, would they join the Demon Slayer Corps too?

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now