•≫────≪•◦ ❈ Chapter Eight ❈ ◦•≫────≪•

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Y/N's POV:

No no no. Why would you EVER think about that?! She's can't be dead. Angry thoughts charged at your mind. She took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. She didn't want her friend to be dead. Who would take care of Shinobu and Kanao? Worry clouded your mind and gaze.

"Y/N-Kun! Onee-Chan still isn't home!" Shinobu cried without any tears coming out of her eyes.

You bit your lip, worried. "I know. I'm starting to get worried too."

"Do you think she's dea-"

"Shush! Do not think of that thought! Push that thought away!" You said in a hushed hiss.

"Right." Shinobu agreed firmly. But you could tell that she was still worried.

"Let's go for a walk in the neighboring village." You suggested to Shinobu. Hoping that it would get the thought out of your mind.

"Alright." Shinobu reluctantly agreed and followed her to the neighboring village.

The sun was about to set when they saw a bleeding body in front of them. The two girls rushed over to see Kanae bleeding away. "Onee-Chan!" Shinobu gasped in anguish as Kanae weakly opened her eyes.

"Imouto-San?...." the flower pillar said with a hint of happiness in her voice. You could feel the color draining from your face. Sadness made your heart burst with pain.

"I'm here!" Kanae's younger sister cried with actual tears coming out her face.

The corners of Kanae's lips curled up into a small smile. She placed her freezing hand on Shinobu's face. You could tell that she was on the verge of dying, but not yet. "Shinobu..." Kanae murmured with a smiling face. "Take Kanao and leave. Forget about the demon world and live peacefully within' the forest." The flower Pillar croaked.

The idea sounded absurded. You gaped with astonishment, your eyes widened and your orbs getting smaller and smaller. Even Shinobu was shocked. "No! I would never do that! We dedicate our lives to the demon slayers!" Shinobu gasped, tears still streaming down her face.

"I know and I understand," Kanae started but was interrupted. You glanced at the rising sun. At least there won't be any demons.

"Who did this to you? Tell me and I'll get revenge!" said Shinobu with hatred in her voice. You shivered at the thought of Shinobu getting killed by the demon, just like how Kanae did. You didn't want that to happen. You had felt this pain and sadness before. It was just like when you lost her family. You had spent years trying to track this demon down. But now, the demon seemed impossible to kill. Even you were a bit terrified because the demon who killed your family was none other than the demon lord, Kibutsuji Muzan.

You felt anger form remembering that stupid and hideous name. You wanted to kill that demon, not even caring if you yourself died in the process.

Kanae turned to you while Shinobu had anger and hatred in her eyes. "Y/N?" She called out, her voice was barely a whisper now. Kanae was about to die.

"I-I'm here!" You stammered, turning to your loyal comrade. Tears flowed through your eyes swiftly.

"Thank you for being there for me and please-" Kanae suddenly stopped and coughed out a clump of blood. Startled, you quickly went over to her side to aid her. "P-Please take care of Shinobu for me. Please don't let her die..." she whispered in your ears. "Thank you." Was the last word that came from her mouth before she died. A warm smile was on her beautiful and bloody face. You clenched your teeth, anger and sadness fueled your energy. You could tell that Shinobu felt the same. Her bloodlust was more powerful. Hatred in her purple eyes. But you could also tell that she was in the state of grieving, but Y/N couldn't blame her. Losing a precious family member was hard. You know because you felt that before. You felt the pain of losing a family member before. Actually, many times. Crawling over to sit next to Shinobu, you sniffed and wiped the tears off your face, but they kept coming so you gave up. Shinobu finally stopped her bloodlust and place her wet face on your shoulder, sobbing miserably. The two sat there until the sun was fully up in the sky. Not knowing how long they were there, they got up and went back to the Demon Slayer Corps. courtyard.

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now