☀︎︎•≫────≪•☀︎︎❈ Chapter Six ❈ ☀︎︎•≫──── • ☀︎︎

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Sabito's POV:

Sometimes, he felt really lonely and sometimes not. Before meeting Giyuu and Y/N, his mother had told him, "Someday, you'll find someone you cherish very much." She said while stroking his head gently.

He remembered answering with, "What do you mean? I only cherish you!" She chuckled softly without saying anything. The chuckle was almost like a fading whisper now.

A day later, his mother fell really ill. She was too weak to move and so she died. That was the day when everything went downhill for Sabito. His pride soon faded. Why was this happening to him? What did he do to deserve this? His teacher, Sakonji Urokodaki, took him in as his own. Sabito felt as if Sakonji Urokodaki was his real birth father. He felt LOVED. Even when he felt happy, his mothers' words stuck with him. "Someday, you'll find someone who you cherish very much..."

He never knew what she meant until he met Y/N. Her gracefulness. Her kindness. When she spoke to him, he felt so light that he could fly. Y/N's breathing technique was so beautiful and elegant. She seemed like an ice princess to him.

But it was all a distant memory. Nothing more and nothing less. Well, that's what he thought, which was very stupid of him, until he saw someone standing right in front of him. The person that stood in front of was the one and only, L/N Y/N.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Was he dreaming? He seemed awake...

Sabito rubbed his eyes with his hands and was shocked when he still saw Y/N standing there elegantly. Everything seemed perfect about her.  How her hair flows in the wind.

Y/N looked at him once, but no more. But he didn't care. He just wanted to admire her, even if it's from afar. He just wanted to admire her. He felt his heart beat faster and faster as if someone was purposely trying to make his heart explode. Why...Why did she leave them? Why couldn't she get that it broke him when she left?

Questions raced through his mind.

Suddenly the questions stopped when he heard
Y/N's voice. He looked at where it came from and saw her chatting sweetly with Giyuu. Something burned inside of him. Sabito clenched his teeth with a weird irritation and discomfort.

"Ara ara!~ Is someone feeling jealous of Giyuu?" Kanae, the flower Pillar, hummed. He felt his face burning with embarrassment.

"Huh? Jealous? Pfft-" he let out a fake smile as he looked at her.

"Am I wrong? It seems like you are jealous." Kanae pouted upon hearing that she was wrong.

"I DON'T feel jealous at all, " he said that like it was it. "We're just friends. Nothing more and nothing less..." he felt his heart ache from the pain of saying those words. Wishing it wasn't true, he tried to brush it away.

All the conversations stopped when as they felt a cold breeze sweeping through the courtyard. Then they heard a chilling laugh. "Who's there?" Rengoku and Giyuu called out at the same time., unsheathing their swords. All the other pillars did the same, including himself.

"Is that how you treat a guest?~" a voice, which he assumed was the owner who made the sinister laugh, asked.

"We weren't expecting another guest." Kanae said with strong output, but he could tell that she was a tiny bit nervous.

Then after hearing those words, a young man, wait no—𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛—jumped down from the roof of his leaders' house. The demon took the form of a young man with moderately toned and muscular body. His eyes were colored like the rainbow. That demon was unlike any other demon he meet and killed. The demon said something, but he didn't pay attention to what he said. He was ready to go to Y/N and aid her in this upcoming battle, but he couldn't since everyone, including Y/N, dashed at the demon. Without any other thoughts, he charged at the demon with full on force.

[ Thank you everyone who read this! I really hope you enjoy this story. ]

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now