「 Chapter Ten 」

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"A-A festival?" Y/N repeated his sentence but with a stammer.

The Raven-haired boy nodded casually, like he had done his several times.

"Do you not want to?" Giyuu asked in a tone that seemed like his usual empty demeanor but with a hint of sadness.

"N-No! I would love too!" Y/N quickly pushed away that thought and grinned.

"Then we can head out tomorrow. It isn't far, but it would be better if we went earlier." His eyes gleamed with pleasure.

"Right. I'll see you tomorrow then," You nodded, averting your eyes from him so he wouldn't see your red face.

"I'll pick you up at your room," Giyuu's hand reached out and gently lifted pieces of your dangling hair that somehow escaped your ponytail. Your face heated up.

Y/N was never used to this...feeling of happiness and love. Ever since you were a child, your mother and father left you to do your own stuff, never minding your business so you were always alone. With no friends, no siblings, or pets to play or talk with; you averted yourself from other people.

Some days, you wanted to escape reality and go to a world where everything is perfect; where your mother and father spends all their time with you, and that you have many friends and a pet. But that would never come true...

Until you met Giyuu and Sabito. They were the only friends you ever had, well, that was until Y/N became a pillar.

"So?... I'll see you tomorrow?" Giyuu dragged you out of your thoughts.

"Mhm." You replied with a nod.

It was a simple exchange of words such as it was common between us. Giyuu was a quiet mannered person as Y/N has an outgoing demeanor. Even when Giyuu said he wanted to be alone, he always stuck with Y/N, clinging to you like what a toddler would do to a mother. You never minded it though, to be honest you got quite used to it.

You retreated to your room with a few steps, passing by Shinobu and Kanae's room. Y/n stopped at the door of Kanae'a room, taking a big breath before entering.

The usual cheery and glamorous room was now dark and lonely. There was a lot of reason why you never wanted to enter this room ever again, but you did out of courage. "This room makes you feel sad, doesn't it?" Shinobu's voice piped up behind you.

Without turning at her, you replied with a small nod of your head.

"Who is going to take her place?" You asked in a hushed whisper.

Shinbou shrugged her head as she stopped where you were standing.

"You learned her skill, did you not?" Y/N repeated in a different way from before.

"Sort of. I learned the Insect Breathing Technique. My sister learned the Flower Breathing Technique." Shinobu explained with exact detail.

"I see," it was awkward conversation, you still had guilt running in your body.

"Don't feel guilty. It wasn't your fault," Shinbou somehow sensed your guilt.

"It should've been me though..." You whined with tears almost coming out your eyes.

"This accident should've never happened," Shinbou patted my back as she sighed.

"I heard you were going to a festival with Tomioka," Shinobu changed the subject, smugly eyeing you.

You blushed once again, "Ho-How'd you know?" You tried asking in your usual tone but the blush seemed to make you stutter.

"I have my ways," said Shinbou with a playful grin pasted on her face. You missed that side of Shinobu and was glad to see it again. Grinning, you ruffled her hair, making Shinbou let out a small giggle.

"Do you want to tag along?" Y/N asked as Shinbou was done giggling.

"I would love too!" Shinbou singsonged cheerfully, clasping her hands together and making a "Ara Ara" sound, just like Kanae. Oh how that brings back lovely yet saddening memories.

You grinned again before retreating to your room. That night, you could barely sleep but the silent night lulled you to sleep.

"Y/N!" Shinbou squealed, pouncing onto your bed along with you still sleeping peacefully.

"Shinbou! That hurts!" Y/N gasped, clutching your stomach with both your hands.

"Well you weren't waking up and Giyuu is outside your room!" Shinbou complained stubbornly.

"Wait what?" You gaped, sitting up in bed as you heard Giyuu was outside. "Tell him to give me a moment! I just need to get dressed, it won't take long." You pulled on your black uniform along with your haori. Then you put on your shoes, almost tripping in the process.

"I'm here!" You panted to Giyuu and Shinbou, who was waiting outside patiently.

"Shall we go?" Giyuu said in a well-mannered gentleman voice. Y/N blushed, unaware that Shinbou was giving her this sly grin.

We reached the festival within a few minutes, estimating that it took about an hour to get there.

It was fun; eating extremely delicious food and candy, watching people dance gracefully, and most of all spending time with your friends. You haven't felt his happy after Kanaes' death and you could tell that Shinbou felt the exact same thing.

『 The song up there is for you to listen, it's really good 😌 This is the version where Sabito isn't going to the festival, instead Shinobu is going. 』

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now