•≫────≪•◦ ❈ Chapter One ❈ ◦•≫────≪•

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A small backstory:

Y/N and Giyuu acknowledged each other once at Final Selection, but they barely payed attention to each other. Only until Y/N saved Giyuu and Sabito from being eaten by a demon was when they got feelings for Y/N. His friend, Sabito, was gravely injured because Y/N was a bit to late.  ( Yes, in this version, Sabito isn't dead )

But after the Final Selection, the three of them parted ways. It was a sad moment, but they knew that they had to.

Years Later, Giyuu and Sabito became members of the Demon Slayer Corps. Giyuu became the Water Pillar while Sabito became a Kinoe.


You stood behind Kagaya Ubuyashiki, hiding your face. "Greetings, my children," He said, breaking the silence. The Hashiras' answered quickly, saying something like "Good morning." He clapped his hands together, "Today, we have a new member of the Demon Slayer Corps." Kagaya Ubuyashiki turned towards me, beckoning me with his hands. I gracefully stepped forward with my sword tied to my waist. Soon enough, I heard some gasps. I bit my lip, my head still lowered.

"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. I hope we will be great friends," I greeted, lifting my head smiling. As I opened my eyes, I saw two boys that looked oddly familiar, but you didn't think about it very much.

Kagaya Ubuyashiki nodded after my introduction, gesturing for me to sit beside Sabito. While walking towards Sabito, I took a deep breath. I salaamed next to him. Noticing that Sabito and Giyuu kept glancing at me, you ignored it, thinking it wasn't important.

Both of them stopped staring at me and continued listening to Kagaya Ubuyashiki. Soon after that happened, he dismissed us. Kanae was the first to walk over and greet me. She had long wavy black hair with two butterflies as accessories for her hair. She seems nice, I thought, shaking her hand.

Kanae leaned towards me and meekly said in my ear, "You should go and talk to them.~" Kanae singsonged. I blushed extremely hard, making my face look like a tomato. The Flower Pillar noticed my blush and giggled, patting my back. You nodded while bitting your lips, watching over to the two boys.

"Hello." You said, waving.

"Oh! Erm hello." Giyuu whirled around and waved back.

"You seemed surprised to see me."

"I do?"

"You do. Actually you remind me of someone. I can't quite remember though..." you said thoughtfully while bringing your index finger up to your mouth.

"Ah-I see." Giyuu nodded but was interrupted by a sudden chilling breeze swept through the courtyard. She was used to the cold so it didn't really affect her, but it affected the others.  "Who's there?" Giyuu and Kyojuro Rengoku called out at the same time. I unsheathed my sword, ready to protect. Kanae did the same thing, wary.

All the Hashira's heard a chilling laugh, and it sent a shiver down her spine. Kanae unsheathed her sword, prepared for whatever was coming. "Is that how you treat a guest?" A low, yet playful, voice answered the Hashiras' question.

"We weren't expecting another guest today," said Kanae, the Flower Pillar glanced around cautiously.

A young man with a moderately toned and muscular body jumped down. It seemed like he was standing on the roof of Kagaya's house. "Hello! I'm Douma!" The muscular young man smiled sweetly at Kanae. "It's extremely nice to meet you!"

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now