•≫────≪•◦ ❈ Chapter Three ❈ ◦•≫────≪•

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It's been a week and all Y/N think about was the fight with the Upper Moon Two. Apparently, he called himself, Douma. "Y/N, are you sure you're okay? You've been daydreaming so much over the past week." Kanae asked, worry in her calming voice.

"Oh, I'm fine. You don't need to worry." Y/N said, snapping out of her thoughts. The Insect Pillar have her another small glance and nodded.

"Hey, um, Y/N?" She could hear Giyuu's voice ring in her ears. Quickly looking up, she saw Giyuu standing in front of her with Sabito right behind him.

"Hm? Oh, hello Giyuu. How may I help you?" asked Y/N. Then jokingly she added, "Or should I say...Tomioka-Sama?"

"No need with the formals."

"I'll leave you three be~" Kanae sung, her mouth curled up into a smug smile. You rolled your eyes at the Insect Hashira, batting her away with your hands.

"We were wondering if you knew someone named Sabito and Giyuu, they were in the same Final Selection as you," The pale red-haired boy asked nervously, rubbing his hands at the back of his neck.

"Well, I do remember meeting two boys. But I forgot their names." You recalled.

"Oh. Sorry for taking up your time then," the two boys ducked their head to apologize. The motion they did startled you. You weren't used to people being formal to you.

You held up your hand to stop them, "No no, it's fine. I had nothing to do anyways."

"If that's the case, do you want to go grab a drink or something? We would love to get to know you better." The red head smiled, holding out his right hand.

"I would love too," you say, gently grabbing his hand with your soft s/t skin.

Sabito blushed, not noticing the glare Giyuu had on his face. "If you don't mind, may I come?"

"I don't mind. How about you, Sabito?" You grinned at the Hashira.

"I don't mind either." Sabito have him a fake smile, clenching his teeth tightly.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Shall we go?" You led them your favorite shop, excited since you haven't been there for so long.

"You like candy?.." the two boys muttered, they didn't know that.Surprise clouded their eyes.

"I love candy! Especially that one!" I pointed to your F/C ( Favorite Candy ).

"O-Oh. That's nice to know." Giyuu stammered.

"What do you both want to get? I'll buy it for you!" I dug into my Haori, grabbing out some Japanese yen.

"You don't have to. We can buy it for you." They said at the same exact time. I turned around, making a face.

"No no. It's my treat." You said, snatching 2 pieces of your favorite candy.

"I don't think it's ri-" Sabito started but was stopped. You placed your index finger on his soft lips. You both blushed, making your faces look like a tomato. Giyuu stood there with a mixed expression; Jealously and anger. Y/N turned away while Sabito stood there, shook. Oh my...why did I do that!?! I'm so stupid! He must think I'm crazy!!!, So many thoughts came rushing into your mind.

Fixing your posture, you looked back at them. "Ahem. What would you like to get?" asked Y/N. "I suppose you would like something not that sweet..." You pondered out loud. You went on until Giyuu interrupted.

"I would like to try your favorite candy," interrupted Giyuu.

"A-Are you sure? It may not live up to your expectations," Surprised, you looked at the Water Pillar.

"I'm sure. If you like it, I will learn to like it too." Giyuu grabbed both her hands in his warm hands.

You broke away from his grasp, blushing intensely. "O-Okay then. What about you, Sabito?" Turning to the pale red haired boy.

"I'll get the same thing," He ruffled your hair with his hands.

"Alright," You pouted, Y/N hated when her hair was ruffled, but she let him do it.

"Ah! Sorry. I didn't me-" He noticed you pouting and took his hands off your hair quickly.

"No no. It's fine," You turned back to him smiling. Y/N handed the some Japanese yen over to the cashier to pay for the candy.

"Have a good day, Ma'am." The cashier ducked his head politely. You waved good-bye to the cashier, walking away with the two boys by your side.

[I'm sorry if it's bad but thank you so much for reading! I will try my best to improve my writing!]

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now