☀︎︎•≫────≪•☀︎︎❈ Chapter Seven ❈ ☀︎︎•≫──── • ☀︎︎

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Y/N's POV:

Something felt weird. You felt a pang of sadness when you felt the two boys. It's like...you didn't want to leave them. Like you wanted to stay with them forever. Just ignore it, you thought while sighing.

"Help me! Please! Someone!" Y/N heard in the distance. You glanced around for a quicker way to get to the destination and decided to jump on the trees.

You arrived just in time for the demon attack, but something seemed different. It didn't look like a regular demon. The demon had such a pale skin that it almost looked white. He also had many blue lines on himself. His hair was short and pink. But the eyes...the eyes looked so...different. Then she realized that two numbers were carved into his eyes. Feeling disgusted, she remembered that when a demon has two numbers carved into their eyes, they're an uppermoon demon. "Come at me!" The demon hissed, his eyes brightening with hunger and excitement.

You scrunched your nose in disgust and charged at him. "Bad move~." The demon singsonged. Oh, be quiet, you thought bitterly while trying to slash at the demon.

"Wahhhh! We're going to die!" The humans cried out in distress. Y/N sighed.

"Fourth form; Frozen Tidal Wave." Your sword started to form a big wave. Sooner of later, the water turned to hard ice. The wave slashed at the demon.

"Ow!" Said the demon as the waves hit him, slashing both his arms and legs off. You were ready to slash the demons' neck before someone stopped you.

"You beat our uppermoon three. Alone. Impressive," a man-wait no-demon praised with a small clap. His hair was as black as night and his eyes shined red. "I'm Muzan. You are?"

You hesitated in answering, but did anyways, "L/N Y/N."

"You have an interesting breathing technique." The man said again. It looked like he was trying to start a conversation with you, but Y/N stayed silent. "Not much of a talker, are you?"

"What do you want?" Said Y/N with a challenging tone.

"Nothing from you, but something from your leader." Muzan smiled. She narrowed her eyes, her orbs getting smaller. "He is my family. Is he not?" The demon was speaking so formally, like he was born into a royal family. Pfft. Royal family? He slaughtered your family. This demon wanted to rule the world. That was his sin. Slaughtering so many innocent people. You clenched you're teeth tightly. You wanted to kill him right there and then. But you knew that you couldn't win against him. You didn't let your pride get in the way.

"It's not like someone like you know what family is." You growled through clenched teeth. Y/N wasn't afraid to die. If she did, she would at least die a prideful and happy death.

"I have a family," the demon lord said while smiling. How could he smile? How DARE he smile like that. You wanted to rip that smiling face to shreds. Hatred burned inside of you, fueling energy for another attack.

"If you had a family. Why'd you kill mine?" You asked, smiling dangerously. You had no fear left in you, only anger remained. 

His smile faded into a frown. "Your father was a threat to me, and so is the Kamado family." He snapped, finally losing his calmness.

You scoffed, not believing one word that came out of his bloody mouth. Coward, you thought in your mind. You felt anger and hatred burning inside of yourself. You wanted to punch that smiling freak. You wanted to take everything away from him just like how he took your family away. Your hand soon turned into a fist. "Come on now, Akaza. We wouldn't want to die from the upcoming sun, now would we?" He gestured to the fully healed demon. The uppermoon three, also known as Akaza, nodded as he followed his leader. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. L/N," was the last word he said before disappearing into the darkness. Walking over to where he disappeared, you peered into darkness. Nothing was there.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving us!" The human girl thanked her, bowing.

"Ah! No need! It's my job." You felt slightly pressured from all the thankful humans. Still, the talk with the two demons couldn't get out of her mind.

You thanked them once again before going on your way. I'll get to see them again!, you thought cheerfully.

Reaching the Demon Slayer courtyard within a few days, you noticed that Giyuu and Sabito was not there. Oh...they didn't finish their mission yet..., you thought sadly. Your heart ached from longing. You wanted to see them. You wanted to hug them and cry in their arms while they comfort you about your family. You wanted to hear their soft and comforting voices. "Y/N-Kun!" You heard a squeal behind you.

The person, well girl, that was behind you was none other than Kocho Shinobu, Kanae's little sister. "Ohayōgozaimasu Shinobu-Sama." ( if you want to know, Ohayōgozaimasu means good morning ) You greeted her with a huge grin. "Do you know where Kanae-San is?"

"Onee-Chan didn't come home yesterday!" She wailed, worry clouding her eyes.

"I'm sure she's fine. She's a pillar, remember?" You tried to calm her down. Shinobu's wailing was attracting attention.

"True..." she muttered so only you could hear. You smiled warmly and ruffled her black with purple tipped hair. Shinobu grinned and headed back inside the house.

Worry prickled in your skin. What if she wasn't fine? What if she's terribly injured from a fight? Then a thought made her skin prickle with unease. What if she's dead?....

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now