Chapter Eighteen || Giyuu Ending

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It's been a few days since you came back from the mission. Your heart always lurched whenever you saw Giyuu and for some reason, you can't control it. It was a reason why you always try to hide from him. "Have you seen Y/N?" You heard Giyuu's monotone voice. Gulping, you covered you mouth with your hand. 

"Y/N-San!~ What are you doing?" Shinobu chirped, grabbing Giyuu's attention quickly. 

"Hush!" You glared at her, snatching her small and pale hand and making a dash for it. 

"So? What's wrong?" Shinobu asked, her smile never faltered. 

You heaved a sigh before answering her question, "I'm scared."



"Why?" Shinobu sounded astonished, she knew how good your relationship was with Giyuu and was surprised. "Oh. OH. You like-" You stopped her before she could reveal the secret you've been trying to hide for many years.

"Yes I do," You whispered in a hushed tone. "And I don't know how to confess it to him."

"And?~" She urged you to say more, arching her brows at you.

"AndIamafraidofrejection!" ( And I am afraid of rejection! ) You forced out, blushing from embarrassment. 

"Oh?" Shinobu giggled. You threw a death-glare at her, frowning in displeasure. Shinobu patted your back reassuringly, "Just tell him."

"I can't! I'm afraid he'll reject me..." You stared up at the sky, trying to hold back from whining. A small whimper escaped your lips. 

"It'll be fine! I'm sure he feels the same way you do!" Shinobu reassured you with words that you want to hear from Giyuu. 

"R-Really?" Stammering wasn't your usual demeanor, but you couldn't help it. Shinobu nodded and you smiled at her gratefully. 

Before walking up to Giyuu, you practiced the exact lines you were going to say to him. "I love you. I loved you for a long time to be honest..." You practiced, staring at a wall, pretending Giyuu was standing before you. "No no no, that doesn't sound good." You muttered to yourself.

"I love you." You said to no one in particular. "No no no, that is too simple!" Clutching your head in frustration, you sat down beside Shinobu, who was peacefully watching you practice with a cup of green tea. 

"I think the first one sounds good," Shinobu commented, not looking at you when she opened her mouth to speak her opinion. 


She hummed in response, nodding. A sudden burst of courage flowed through your body like a river. "I think I'm ready now!" You grinned. Shinobu blinked at you for several minutes before embracing you in a tight and long hug. You asked, "Huh? Shinobu, what are you doing?"

"Good luck, Y/N." She whispered in your ear. You hugged her back, not wanting to let go. Shinobu was one of your many best friends and you loved her like a sister. 

"Thank you," You thanked her and went your way. 

It was getting dark and you finally saw Giyuu. He was sitting on the ground, his gaze focused on an ant. You sat beside him, startling him. "Hey Giyuu..." You started.

"Hey Y/N." Giyuu noted your attendance and nodded a hello to you. 

"I want to tell you something," The two of you said at the simultaneously. "You go first." It was awkward how you kept repeating the same words Giyuu said so you shut your mouth so he could talk. Giyuu did the same, waiting for you to talk. After a moment of silence, you finally spoke to break the unwanted silence, "I love you Giyuu. I loved you for a long time and-" 

Before you could finish the sentence, his lips was already pressed against yours. It took you a full second to realize what he was doing. Your face became as red as a tomato as your eyes widened. Your brain was still trying to process what was happening. But you soon let him kiss you, letting yourself fall in his embrace. 

He looked away, his face flushed. " you too, Y/N..." He confessed. 

This was the happiest moment you could ever have. Tears started to stream down your face, wetting your face. 

You let Shinobu know about the news first. "Really?" Shinobu squealed in excitement. You nodded, your eyes full of salty tears.

Mitsuri was the second to know. She also passed down the news, which reached Kagaya pretty quickly. "I am happy for the both of you." Kagaya dipped his head, smiling at the wonderful news. 

Sabito stood outside with a frown on his face. "What's wrong?" You gasped and quickly hurried over to him. Tears rushed down his face like a river. 

"How clueless can you be, Y/N? Can't you tell that I love you?" Sabito sighed, his voice laced with jealously. 

"You..." You weren't able to process the sentence Sabito said. "Loved me?"

Sabito nodded, saying nothing. Giyuu broke the silence by hugging you tighter and saying, "Mine."

Sabito, who was a good young man and a kind friend, smiled at Giyuu and reassured him. "I won't take Y/N away from you." He said before leaving the two of you in peace. 

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now